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小说: rekindled(英文版) 字数: 每页3000字

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sweat; she struggled to catch her breath until Mitch's arms came around

〃What is it; honey?〃 he asked in alarm。 The room was dim; bathed eerily
in the blue light of the moon as it spilled over the snow in the yard。

〃A nightmare。 Oh; God; it was awful。〃 She trembled in spite of his
steadying hold。

〃Want to tell me about it?〃

〃It's that court case hanging over my head。〃

〃What court case?〃

〃The accident。 My husband's family has been pushing me to sue for
negligence。 I agreed at first because I was as angry as they were and we
were all so helpless。 Now I'd rather put the whole thing behind me。〃

Mitch was silent for a time。 〃And the nightmare?〃 he asked quietly。 His
arms were exquisitely tender as they held her to his chest。

She took a shuddering breath。 〃I dreamed I was on that plane with Jeff
when it crashed; but that I wasn't injured and had to stand by and watch
while he burned to death。 There were no doctors; no medics; nothing but
flames and smoke and debris and people's screams。〃 She buried her face
in his chest。 〃It was awful。〃

He spoke softly against her hair。 〃I know; honey; I know。 But it was
only a dream。〃 His nearness forted her。 〃Only a dream;〃 he repeated
and said it on and off; between gentle rocking; until she fell back to

Mitch seemed preoccupied。 She sensed it from time to time and guessed
that he had work on his mind。 On the last night before she was to leave;
though; she looked up to find him brooding at the flames in the hearth。
He was sitting on the floor by her chair; with his legs stretched toward
the warmth。

She touched his shoulder。 〃Is something wrong?〃

Snatched from some distant place; he jerked his head around。 〃Hmm?〃

〃You look bothered by something。 I'm back to normal; and you haven't
begun to fight with me。〃 She gave him a teasing smile。 His smile was
oddly sad。 〃I seem to have lost my taste for the fight。〃

〃This must have been a boring week for you。〃

〃I haven't minded。 It's been restful。〃

〃Too restful。 Tomorrow is my last morning here。 Will you go walking with
me; or do I sneak out alone?〃

He looked back at the fire。 〃I'll go with you。〃

She had expected an argument; something to the tune of You're not well
enough for a walk。 When he said nothing; she knew something was
definitely wrong。

But he wasn't the only one who had lost his taste for the fight。 She
didn't want anything to mar their last night。 So she let it go。 With the
snowfall still fresh on the deserted mountain; the sight greeting them
the following morning was one of blinding splendor。 The sky was a deep
blue; the air cold and still。 Days of warm sun and freezing temperatures
had created a crust of ice。 The crunch underfoot echoed as they made
their way across the hillside。 Bits of the brook that weren't frozen ran
through crystalline palaces of branches and weeds。 The only other signs
of life were those frozen in the snow; the tracks of the snowshoe rabbit
or the packed path of the deer。

It was a scene of rare beauty; all the more beautiful for the week…long
wait to see it。 But time was short。 Too soon; afternoon arrived and the
moment of parting。

〃Are you sure you won't stay the weekend?〃 Mitch asked。 〃You shouldn't
be driving so far yet。〃 Her car was packed。 They stood beside it。

His wistfulness added to Anne's regret。 〃I wish I could。 But I promised
my folks I'd attend a hospital benefit with them tomorrow night。 I can't
let them down。〃

He wrapped an arm around her。 〃Even if you're letting me down?〃 His eyes
dropped to her lips。 Seconds later he kissed them。 It was a gentle
caress; sweet torture to Anne's reawakening body。 She wound her arms
around his neck and felt him tighten in response。 She was well now。 Her
departure was imminent。 If ever there was a time for ardor; this was it。

The kiss deepened and the fire grew hotter。 With a wildness borne of
desperation; he thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth; and Anne reeled
at the sensation。 She would have happily returned to the house; to that
same bedroom; that same large bed if he'd asked just then。 But he

With a shaky breath; he drew back。 He took her hand; pressed something
in it; and closed her fingers。 〃I want you to take this。 It's a key to
the place。 I have a few hectic weeks ahead; but I'll be up again at the
end of March。 If you want to e at any time; I want you to。〃

Anne was deeply touched; but that wasn't the only reason her eyes filled
with tears。 Frightened that she would make a fool of herself; she
whispered a soft thanks against his cheek in a final hug; pulled away;
and got into her car。 She headed down the sanded road without a look
behind。 Parting was getting harder and harder。

March in Vermont was the time of unlocking; that period during which the
frozen ground gradually yielded one frigid layer after another to the
power of an ever…stronger sun; when the brooks and ponds; rivers and
lakes lost their ice to the rush of the downstream current。 It was a
time of the loud thrashing of formidably cold waters against their
banks。 It was a time of mud。

Anne hadn't expected that when she left New York。 Taking Mitch up on his
offer and using his key; she arrived several days in advance of him。 The
excitement was in being there; in these hills; in Mitch's house。 Nothing
could have kept her away longer。

〃You're going again?〃 her mother had asked in surprise。

Anne was prepared for the question。 She had done her homework。 〃It's
maple…sugaring time。 I wouldn't miss it for the world。〃

Her father had remarked; 〃I wouldn't be surprised if you turned around
and bought that place。 Pretty soon you'll be spending more time there
than you do here。〃

It was an exaggeration; of course。 Still; Ann blushed。 The cottage
already had an owner; a hale and hearty one; who appeared to be in no
way interested in selling。 Fortunately her parents had never learned of
the stranded car or the pneumonia fiasco; and they still knew absolutely
nothing about Mitch。

Anne was starting to feel guilty about that。 She had always been close
to her parents。 They had been understanding and solicitous during her
grief It occurred to her that they would want to know when she was

For she was happy。 Knowing that Mitch would be with her in Vermont; she
could face just about anything else that arose。 His giving her the key
was a significant gesture。 Now she had a steady tie to the place。

Since returning this last time; she had changed。 For one thing; she had
finally been able to pack up Jeff's things。 For another; she was smiling
more; laughing more; eating more。 For a third; she was going out more
with old friends。

Strange。 For so much of the last year her apartment had been her private
retreat; her sanctuary when she couldn't face the world。 Lately; though;
it was nearly as lonely as it had been in the dreadful days following
the crash。

She missed Mitch。 The longing grew with each day that passed; until her
only refuge was in work and the pany of others。 Even then; he was
never far from her mind。

Now; with mud streaks covering the bottom half of her once…bright yellow
car; she turned onto the familiar pr

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