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小说: 绿里奇迹(英文版) 字数: 每页3000字

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〃Yes。 We all do; all of us that were there。〃 
〃Part of me wishes I'd been there; too;〃 she said; 〃but I think most of me is glad I wasn't。 If I'd seen the scales fall from Saul's eyes on the road to Damascus。 I probably would have died of a heart attack。〃 
〃Naw;〃 I said; tilting my bowl to capture the last spoonful; 〃probably would have cooked him some soup。 This is pretty fine; hon。〃 
〃Good。〃 But she wasn't really thinking about soup or cooking or Saul's conversion on the Damascus road。 She was looking out the window toward the ridges; her chin propped on her hand; her eyes as hazy as those ridges look on summer mornings when it's going to be hot。 Summer mornings like the one when the Detterick girls had been found; I thought for no reason。 I wondered why they hadn't screamed。 
Their killer had hurt them; there had been blood on the porch; and on the steps。 So why hadn't they screamed? 
〃You think John Coffey really killed that man Wharton; don't you?〃 Janice asked; looking back from the window at last。 〃Not that it was an accident; or anything like that; you think he used Percy Wetmore on Wharton like a gun。〃 
〃I don't know。' 
〃Tell me again about what happened when you took Coffey off the Mile; would you? Just that part。〃 
So I did。 I told her how the skinny arm shooting out from between the bars and grabbing John 's bicep had reminded me of a snake…one of the water moccasins we were all scared of when we were kids swimming in the river … and how Coffey had said Wharton was a bad man。 Almost whispering it。 
〃And Wharton said 。。。 ?〃 My wife was looking out the window again; but she was listening; all right。 
〃Wharton said; 'That's right; nigger; bad as you'd want。; 〃 
〃And that's all。〃 
〃Yes。 I had a feeling that something was going to happen right then; but nothing did。 Brutal took Wharton's hand off John and told him to lie down; which Wharton did。 He was out on his feet to start with。 Said something about how niggers should have their own electric chair; and that was all。 We went about our business。〃 
〃John Coffey called him a bad man。〃 
〃Yep。 Said the same thing about Percy once; too。 Maybe more than once。 I can't remember exactly when; but I know he did。〃 
〃But Wharton never did anything to John Coffey personally; did he? Like he did to Percy; I mean。〃 
〃No。 The way their cells were … Wharton up by the duty desk on one side; John down a ways on the other … they could hardly see each other。〃 
〃Tell me again how Coffey looked when Wharton grabbed him。〃 
〃Janice; this isn't getting us anywhere。〃 
〃Maybe it isn't and maybe it is。 Tell me again how he looked。〃 
I sighed。 〃I guess you'd have to say shocked。 He gasped。 Like you would if you were sunning at the beach and I snuck up and trickled a little cold water down your back。 Or like he'd been slapped。〃 
〃Well; sure;〃 she said。 〃Being grabbed out of nowhere like that startled him; woke him up for a second。〃 
〃Yes;〃 I said。 And then; 〃No。〃 
〃Well which is it? Yes or no?〃 
〃No。 It wasn't being startled。 It was like when he wanted me to e into his cell so he could cure my infection。 Or when he wanted me to hand him the mouse。 It was being surprised; but not by being touched 。。。 not exactly; anyway 。。。 oh Christ; Jan; I don't know。〃 
〃All right; we'll leave it;〃 she said。 〃I just can't imagine why John did it; that's all。 It's not as if he's violent by nature。 Which leads to another question; Paul: how can you execute him if you're right about those girls? How can you possibly put him in the electric chair if someone else 
I jerked in my chair。 My elbow struck my bowl and knocked it off onto the floor; where it broke。 An idea had e to me。 It was more intuition than logic at that point; but it had a certain black elegance。 
〃Paul?〃 Janice asked; alarmed。 〃What's wrong?〃 
〃I don't know;〃 I said。 〃I don't know anything for sure; but I'm going to find out if I can。〃 
The aftermath of the shooting was a three…ring circus with the governor in one ring; the prison in another; and poor brain…blasted Percy Wetmore in the third。 And the ringmaster? Well; the various gentlemen of the press took turns at that job。 They weren't as bad then as they are now … they didn't allow themselves to be as bad … but even back then before Geraldo and Mike Wallace and the rest of them; they could gallop along pretty good when they really got the bit in their teeth。 That was what happened this time; and while the show lasted; it was a good one。 
But even the liveliest circus; the one with the scariest freaks; funniest clowns; and wildest animals; has to leave town eventually。 This one left after the Board of Enquiry; which sounds pretty special and fearsome; but actually turned out to be pretty tame and perfunctory。 Under other circumstances; the governor undoubtedly would have demanded someone's head on a platter; but not this time。 His nephew by marriage … his wife's own blood kin … had gone crackers and killed a man。 Had killed a killer … there was that; at least; and thank God for it … but Percy had still shot the man as he lay sleeping in his cell; which was not quite sporting。 When you added in the fact that the young man in question remained just as mad as a March hare; you could understand why the governor only wanted it to go away; and as soon as possible。 
Our trip to Warden Moores's house in Harry Terwilliger's truck never came out。 The fact that Percy had been straitjacketed and locked in the restraint room during the time we were away never came out。 The fact that William Wharton had been doped to the gills when Percy shot him never came out; either。 Why would it? The authorities had no reason to suspect anything in Wharton's system but half a dozen slugs。 The coroner removed those; the mortician put him in a pine box; and that was the end of the man with Billy the Kid tattooed on his left forearm。 Good riddance to bad rubbish; you might say。 
All in all; the uproar lasted about two weeks。 During that time I didn't dare fart sideways; let alone so take a day off to investigate the idea I'd gotten at my kitchen table on the morning after all the upheavals。 I knew for sure that the circus had left town when I got to work on a day just shy of the middle of November … the twelfth; I think; but don't hold me to that。 That was the day I found the piece of paper I'd been dreading on the middle of my desk: the DOE on John Coffey。 Curtis Anderson had signed it instead of Hal Moores; but of course it was just as legal either way; and of course it had needed to go through Hal in order to get to me。 I could imagine Hal sitting at his desk in Administration with that piece of paper in his hand; sitting there and thinking of his wife; who had bee something of a nine days; wonder to the doctors at Indianola General Hospital。 She'd had her own DOE papers handed to her by those doctors; but John Coffey had tom them up。 Now; however; it was Coffey's turn to walk the Green Mile; and who among us could stop it? Who among us would stop it? 
The date on the death warrant was November 20th。 Three days after I got it … the fifteenth; I think I had Janice call me in sick。 A cup of coffee later I was driving north in my badly spru

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