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〃Fine; boss;〃 John said listlessly。 〃I's fine。〃
Brutal patted his knee。 〃We'll be back soon。 And when we get squared away; you know what? I'm going to see you get a great big cup of hot coffee。 Sugar and cream; too。〃
You bet; I thought; going around to the passenger side of the cab and climbing in。 If we don't get arrested and thrown in jail ourselves first。
But I'd been living with that idea ever since we'd thrown Percy into the restraint room; and it didn't worry me enough to keep me awake。 I dozed off and dreamed of Calvary Hill。 Thunder in the west and a smell that might have been juniper berries。 Brutal and Harry and Dean and I were standing around in robes and tin hats like in a Cecil B。 DeMille movie。 We were Centurions; I guess。 There were three crosses; Percy Wetmore and Eduard Delacroix flanking John Coffey。 I looked down at my hand and saw I was holding a bloody hammer。
We got to get him down from there; Paul! Brutal screamed。 We got to get him down!
Except we couldn't; they'd taken away the stepladder。 I started to tell Brutal this; and then an extra…hard bounce of the truck woke me up。 We were backing into the place where Harry had hidden the truck earlier on a day that already seemed to stretch back to the beginning of time。
The two of us got out and went around to the back。 Brutal hopped down all right; but John Coffey's knees buckled and he almost fell。 It took all three of us to catch him; and he was no more than set solid on his feet again before he went off into another of those coughing fits; this one the worst yet。 He bent over; the coughing sounds muffled by the heels of his palms; which he held pressed against his mouth。
When his coughing eased; we covered the front of the Farmall with the pine boughs again and walked back the way we had e。 The worst part of that whole surreal furlough was … for me; at least … the last two hundred yards; with us scurrying back south along the shoulder of the highway。 I could see (or thought I could) the first faint lightening of the sky in the east; and felt sure some early farmer; out to harvest his pumpkins or dig his last few rows of yams; would e along and see us。 And even if that didn't happen; we would hear someone (in my imagination it sounded like Curtis Anderson) shout 〃Holdit right there!〃 as I used the Aladdin key to unlock the enclosure around the bulkhead leading to the tunnel。 Then two dozen carbine…toting guards would step out of the woods and our little adventure would be over。
By the time we actually got to the enclosure; my heart was whamming so hard that I could see little white dots exploding in front of my eyes with each pulse it made。 My hands felt cold and numb and faraway; and for the longest time I couldn't get the key to go into the lock。
〃Oh Christ; headlights!〃 Harry moaned。
I looked up and saw brightening fans of light on the road。 My keyring almost fell out of my hand; I managed to clutch it at the last second。
〃Give them to me;〃 Brutal said。 〃I'll do it。〃
〃No; I've got it;〃 I said。 The key at last slipped into its slot and turned。 A moment later we were in。 We crouched behind the bulkhead and watched as a Sunshine Bread truck went pottering past the prison。 Beside me I could hear John Coffey's tortured breathing。 He sounded like an engine which has almost run out of oil。 He had held the bulkhead door up effortlessly for us on our way out; but we didn't even ask him to help this time; it would have been out of the question。 Brutal and I got the door up; and Harry led john down the steps。 The big man tottered as he went; but he got down。 Brutal and I followed him as fast as we could; then lowered the bulkhead behind us and locked it again。
〃Christ; I think we're gonna … 〃 Brutal began; but I cut him off with a sharp elbow to the ribs。
〃Don't say it;〃 I said。 〃Don't even think it; until he's safe back in his cell。〃
〃And there's Percy to think about;〃 Harry said。 Our voices had a flat; echoey quality in the brick tunnel。 〃The evening ain't over as long as we got him to contend with。…〃
As it turned out; our evening was far from over。
Part Six:
Coffey on the Mile
I sat in the Georgia Pines sunroom; my father's fountain pen in my hand; and time was lost to me as I recalled the night Harry and Brutal and I took John Coffey off the Mile and to Melinda Moores; in an effort to save her life。 I wrote about the drugging of William Wharton; who fancied himself the second ing of Billy the Kid; I wrote of how we stuck Percy in the straitjacket and jugged him in the restraint room at the end of the Green Mile; I wrote about our strange night journey … both terrifying and exhilarating … and the miracle that befell at the end of it。 We saw John Coffey drag a woman back; not just from the edge of her grave; but from what seemed to us to be the very bottom of it。
I wrote and was very faintly aware of the Georgia Pines version of life going on around me。 Old folks went down to supper; then trooped off to the Resource Center (yes; you are permitted a chuckle) for their evening dose of work sits。 I seem to remember my friend Elaine bringing me a sandwich; and thanking her; and eating it; but I couldn't tell you what time of the evening she brought it; or what was in it。 Most of me was back in 1932; when our sandwiches were usually bought off old Toot…Toot's rolling gospel snack…wagon; cold pork a nickel; corned beef a dime。
I remember the place quieting down as the relics who live here made ready for another night of thin and troubled sleep; I heard Mickey … maybe not the best orderly in the place; but certainly the kindest … singing 〃Red River Valley〃 in his good tenor as he went around dispensing the evening meds: 〃From this valley they say you are going 。。。 We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile 。。。〃 The song made me think of Melinda again; and what she had said to John after the miracle had happened。 I dreamed of you。 I dreamed you were wandering in the dark; and so was I。 We found each other。
Georgia Pines gree and passed; and still I wrote。 I got to Harry reminding us that; even though we had gotten John back to the prison without being discovered; we still had Percy waiting for us。 〃The evening ain't over as long as we got him to contend with〃 is more or less what Harry said。
That's where my long day of driving my father's pen at last caught up with me。 I put it down … just for a few seconds; I thought; so I could flex some life back into the fingers … and then I put my forehead down on my arm and closed my eyes to rest them。 When I opened them again and raised my head; morning sun glared in at me through the windows。 I looked at my watch and saw it was past eight。 I had slept; head on arms like an old drunk; for what must have been six hours。 I got up; wincing; trying to stretch some life into my back。 I thought about going down to the kitchen; getting some toast; and going for my morning walk; then looked down at the sheafs of scribbled pages scattered across the desk。 All at once I decided to put off the walk for awhile。 I had a chore; yes; but it could keep; and I didn't feel like playing hide…and…seek with Brad Dolan that morning。
Instead of walking; I'd finish my st