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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第6章

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页3000字

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and eye the freedom beyond; he passed those few moments in watching and
peering; until the door was closed upon him。

There was an officer in mand of the soldiers; a stout; serviceable;
profoundly calm man; with his drawn sword in his hand; smoking a cigar。
He very briefly directed the placing of Monsieur Rigaud in the midst of
the party; put himself with consummate indifference at their head; gave
the word 'march!' and so they all went jingling down the staircase。 The
door clashed……the key turned……and a ray of unusual light; and a breath
of unusual air; seemed to have passed through the jail; vanishing in a
tiny wreath of smoke from the cigar。

Still; in his captivity; like a lower animal……like some impatient ape;
or roused bear of the smaller species……the prisoner; now left solitary;
had jumped upon the ledge; to lose no glimpse of this departure。 As he
yet stood clasping the grate with both hands; an uproar broke upon his
hearing; yells; shrieks; oaths; threats; execrations; all prehended
in it; though (as in a storm) nothing but a raging swell of sound
distinctly heard。

Excited into a still greater resemblance to a caged wild animal by his
anxiety to know more; the prisoner leaped nimbly down; ran round the
chamber; leaped nimbly up again; clasped the grate and tried to shake
it; leaped down and ran; leaped up and listened; and never rested until
the noise; being more and more distant; had died away。 How many
better prisoners have worn their noble hearts out so; no man thinking
of it; not even the beloved of their souls realising it; great kings
and governors; who had made them captive; careering in the sunlight
jauntily; and men cheering them on。 Even the said great personages dying
in bed; making exemplary ends and sounding speeches; and polite history;
more servile than their instruments; embalming them!

At last; John Baptist; now able to choose his own spot within the
pass of those walls for the exercise of his faculty of going to sleep
when he would; lay down upon the bench; with his face turned over on his
crossed arms; and slumbered。 In his submission; in his lightness; in his
good humour; in his short…lived passion; in his easy contentment with
hard bread and hard stones; in his ready sleep; in his fits and starts;
altogether a true son of the land that gave him birth。

The wide stare stared itself out for one while; the Sun went down in
a red; green; golden glory; the stars came out in the heavens; and the
fire…flies mimicked them in the lower air; as men may feebly imitate
the goodness of a better order of beings; the long dusty roads and the
interminable plains were in repose……and so deep a hush was on the sea;
that it scarcely whispered of the time when it shall give up its dead。

CHAPTER 2 Fellow Travellers

'No more of yesterday's howling over yonder to…day; Sir; is there?'

'I have heard none。'

'Then you may be sure there is none。 When these people howl; they howl
to be heard。'

'Most people do; I suppose。'

'Ah! but these people are always howling。 Never happy otherwise。'

'Do you mean the Marseilles people?'

'I mean the French people。 They're always at it。 As to Marseilles; we
know what Marseilles is。 It sent the most insurrectionary tune into the
world that was ever posed。 It couldn't exist without allonging and
marshonging to something or other……victory or death; or blazes; or

The speaker; with a whimsical good humour upon him all the time; looked
over the parapet…wall with the greatest disparagement of Marseilles; and
taking up a determined position by putting his hands in his pockets and
rattling his money at it; apostrophised it with a short laugh。

'Allong and marshong; indeed。 It would be more creditable to you;
I think; to let other people allong and marshong about their lawful
business; instead of shutting 'em up in quarantine!'

'Tiresome enough;' said the other。 'But we shall be out to…day。'

'Out to…day!' repeated the first。 'It's almost an aggravation of the
enormity; that we shall be out to…day。 Out! What have we ever been in

'For no very strong reason; I must say。 But as we e from the East;
and as the East is the country of the plague……'

'The plague!' repeated the other。 'That's my grievance。 I have had the
plague continually; ever since I have been here。 I am like a sane man
shut up in a madhouse; I can't stand the suspicion of the thing。 I came
here as well as ever I was in my life; but to suspect me of the plague
is to give me the plague。 And I have had it……and I have got it。'

'You bear it very well; Mr Meagles;' said the second speaker; smiling。

'No。 If you knew the real state of the case; that's the last observation
you would think of making。 I have been waking up night after night; and
saying; NOW I have got it; NOW it has developed itself; NOW I am in for
it; NOW these fellows are making out their case for their precautions。
Why; I'd as soon have a spit put through me; and be stuck upon a card in
a collection of beetles; as lead the life I have been leading here。'

'Well; Mr Meagles; say no more about it now it's over;' urged a cheerful
feminine voice。

'Over!' repeated Mr Meagles; who appeared (though without any
ill…nature) to be in that peculiar state of mind in which the last word
spoken by anybody else is a new injury。 'Over! and why should I say no
more about it because it's over?'

It was Mrs Meagles who had spoken to Mr Meagles; and Mrs Meagles was;
like Mr Meagles; ely and healthy; with a pleasant English face which
had been looking at homely things for five…and…fifty years or more; and
shone with a bright reflection of them。

'There! Never mind; Father; never mind!' said Mrs Meagles。 'For goodness
sake content yourself with Pet。'

'With Pet?' repeated Mr Meagles in his injured vein。 Pet; however;
being close behind him; touched him on the shoulder; and Mr Meagles
immediately forgave Marseilles from the bottom of his heart。

Pet was about twenty。 A fair girl with rich brown hair hanging free in
natural ringlets。 A lovely girl; with a frank face; and wonderful eyes;
so large; so soft; so bright; set to such perfection in her kind good
head。 She was round and fresh and dimpled and spoilt; and there was in
Pet an air of timidity and dependence which was the best weakness in
the world; and gave her the only crowning charm a girl so pretty and
pleasant could have been without。

'Now; I ask you;' said Mr Meagles in the blandest confidence; falling
back a step himself; and handing his daughter a step forward to
illustrate his question: 'I ask you simply; as between man and man;
you know; DID you ever hear of such damned nonsense as putting Pet in

'It has had the result of making even quarantine enjoyable。' 'e!'
said Mr Meagles; 'that's something to be sure。 I am obliged to you for
that remark。 Now; Pet; my darling; you had better go along with Mother
and get ready for the boat。 The officer of health; and a variety of
humbugs in cocked hats; are ing off to let us out of this at last:
and all we jail…birds are to breakfast together in something approaching
to a Christian style again; before we take win

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