little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第254章
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madame; have you limited and settled the price the little niece will
give……for his sake……to hush it up? Once more I say; time presses。 The
packet not reclaimed before the ringing of the bell to…night; you cannot
buy。 I sell; then; to the little girl!'
Once more the stir and struggle in her; and she ran to a closet; tore
the door open; took down a hood or shawl; and wrapped it over her head。
Affery; who had watched her in terror; darted to her in the middle of
the room; caught hold of her dress; and went on her knees to her。
'Don't; don't; don't! What are you doing? Where are you going? You're a
fearful woman; but I don't bear you no ill…will。 I can do poor Arthur
no good now; that I see; and you needn't be afraid of me。 I'll keep your
secret。 Don't go out; you'll fall dead in the street。 Only promise me;
that; if it's the poor thing that's kept here secretly; you'll let me
take charge of her and be her nurse。 Only promise me that; and never be
afraid of me。'
Mrs Clennam stood still for an instant; at the height of her rapid
haste; saying in stern amazement:
'Kept here? She has been dead a score of years or more。 Ask
Flintwinch……ask HIM。 They can both tell you that she died when Arthur
went abroad。'
'So much the worse;' said Affery; with a shiver; 'for she haunts the
house; then。 Who else rustles about it; making signals by dropping
dust so softly? Who else es and goes; and marks the walls with
long crooked touches when we are all a…bed? Who else holds the door
sometimes? But don't go out……don't go out! Mistress; you'll die in the
Her mistress only disengaged her dress from the beseeching hands; said
to Rigaud; 'Wait here till I e back!' and ran out of the room。 They
saw her; from the window; run wildly through the court…yard and out at
the gateway。
For a few moments they stood motionless。 Affery was the first to move;
and she; wringing her hands; pursued her mistress。 Next; Jeremiah
Flintwinch; slowly backing to the door; with one hand in a pocket; and
the other rubbing his chin; twisted himself out in his reticent way;
speechlessly。 Rigaud; left alone; posed himself upon the window…seat
of the open window; in the old Marseilles…jail attitude。 He laid his
cigarettes and fire…box ready to his hand; and fell to smoking。
'Whoof! Almost as dull as the infernal old jail。 Warmer; but almost as
dismal。 Wait till she es back? Yes; certainly; but where is she gone;
and how long will she be gone? No matter! Rigaud Lagnier Blandois; my
amiable subject; you will get your money。 You will enrich yourself。 You
have lived a gentleman; you will die a gentleman。 You triumph; my little
boy; but it is your character to triumph。 Whoof!' In the hour of his
triumph; his moustache went up and his nose came down; as he ogled a
great beam over his head with particular satisfaction。
CHAPTER 31。 Closed
The sun had set; and the streets were dim in the dusty twilight; when
the figure so long unused to them hurried on its way。 In the immediate
neighbourhood of the old house it attracted little attention; for there
were only a few straggling people to notice it; but; ascending from the
river by the crooked ways that led to London Bridge; and passing into
the great main road; it became surrounded by astonishment。
Resolute and wild of look; rapid of foot and yet weak and uncertain;
conspicuously dressed in its black garments and with its hurried
head…covering; gaunt and of an unearthly paleness; it pressed forward;
taking no more heed of the throng than a sleep…walker。 More remarkable
by being so removed from the crowd it was among than if it had been
lifted on a pedestal to be seen; the figure attracted all eyes。
Saunterers pricked up their attention to observe it; busy people;
crossing it; slackened their pace and turned their heads; panions
pausing and standing aside; whispered one another to look at this
spectral woman who was ing by; and the sweep of the figure as it
passed seemed to create a vortex; drawing the most idle and most curious
after it。
Made giddy by the turbulent irruption of this multitude of staring faces
into her cell of years; by the confusing sensation of being in the air;
and the yet more confusing sensation of being afoot; by the unexpected
changes in half…remembered objects; and the want of likeness between the
controllable pictures her imagination had often drawn of the life from
which she was secluded and the overwhelming rush of the reality; she
held her way as if she were environed by distracting thoughts; rather
than by external humanity and observation。 But; having crossed the
bridge and gone some distance straight onward; she remembered that she
must ask for a direction; and it was only then; when she stopped and
turned to look about her for a promising place of inquiry; that she
found herself surrounded by an eager glare of faces。
'Why are you encircling me?' she asked; trembling。
None of those who were nearest answered; but from the outer ring there
arose a shrill cry of ''Cause you're mad!'
'I am sure as sane as any one here。 I want to find the Marshalsea
The shrill outer circle again retorted; 'Then that 'ud show you was mad
if nothing else did; 'cause it's right opposite!'
A short; mild; quiet…looking young man made his way through to her; as
a whooping ensued on this reply; and said: 'Was it the Marshalsea you
wanted? I'm going on duty there。 e across with me。'
She laid her hand upon his arm; and he took her over the way; the crowd;
rather injured by the near prospect of losing her; pressing before and
behind and on either side; and remending an adjournment to Bedlam。
After a momentary whirl in the outer court…yard; the prison…door opened;
and shut upon them。 In the Lodge; which seemed by contrast with the
outer noise a place of refuge and peace; a yellow lamp was already
striving with the prison shadows。
'Why; John!' said the turnkey who admitted them。 'What is it?'
'Nothing; father; only this lady not knowing her way; and being badgered
by the boys。 Who did you want; ma'am?'
'Miss Dorrit。 Is she here?'
The young man became more interested。 'Yes; she is here。 What might your
name be?'
'Mrs Clennam。'
'Mr Clennam's mother?' asked the young man。
She pressed her lips together; and hesitated。 'Yes。 She had better be
told it is his mother。'
'You see;' said the young man;'the Marshal's family living in the
country at present; the Marshal has given Miss Dorrit one of the rooms
in his house to use when she likes。 Don't you think you had better e
up there; and let me bring Miss Dorrit?'
She signified her assent; and he unlocked a door and conducted her up
a side staircase into a dwelling…house above。 He showed her into a
darkening room; and left her。 The room looked down into the darkening
prison…yard; with its inmates strolling here and there; leaning out
of windows muning as much apart as they could with friends who were
going away; and generally wearing out their imprisonment as they best
might that summer evening。 The air was heavy and hot; the closeness
of the place; oppressive; and from without there arose a rush of
free sounds; like the