little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第249章
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bridge of his hooked nose crooked。 After a long survey; he said; with
the further setting off of his internal smile:
'You are a bold woman!'
'I am a resolved woman。'
'You always were。 What? She always was; is it not so; my little
'Flintwinch; say nothing to him。 It is for him to say; here and now;
all he can; or to go hence; and do all he can。 You know this to be our
determination。 Leave him to his action on it。'
She did not shrink under his evil leer; or avoid it。 He turned it upon
her again; but she remained steady at the point to which she had fixed
herself。 He got off the table; placed a chair near the sofa; sat down in
it; and leaned an arm upon the sofa close to her own; which he touched
with his hand。 Her face was ever frowning; attentive; and settled。
'It is your pleasure then; madame; that I shall relate a morsel of
family history in this little family society;' said Rigaud; with a
warning play of his lithe fingers on her arm。 'I am something of a
doctor。 Let me touch your pulse。'
She suffered him to take her wrist in his hand。 Holding it; he proceeded
to say:
'A history of a strange marriage; and a strange mother; and a revenge;
and a suppression。……Aye; aye; aye? this pulse is beating curiously!
It appears to me that it doubles while I touch it。 Are these the usual
changes of your malady; madame?'
There was a struggle in her maimed arm as she twisted it away; but there
was none in her face。 On his face there was his own smile。
'I have lived an adventurous life。 I am an adventurous character。 I have
known many adventurers; interesting spirits……amiable society! To one
of them I owe my knowledge and my proofs……I repeat it; estimable
lady……proofs……of the ravishing little family history I go to mence。
You will be charmed with it。 But; bah! I forget。 One should name a
history。 Shall I name it the history of a house? But; bah; again。 There
are so many houses。 Shall I name it the history of this house?'
Leaning over the sofa; poised on two legs of his chair and his left
elbow; that hand often tapping her arm to beat his words home; his
legs crossed; his right hand sometimes arranging his hair; sometimes
smoothing his moustache; sometimes striking his nose; always threatening
her whatever it did; coarse; insolent; rapacious; cruel; and powerful;
he pursued his narrative at his ease。
'In fine; then; I name it the history of this house。 I mence it。
There live here; let us suppose; an uncle and nephew。 The uncle; a
rigid old gentleman of strong force of character; the nephew; habitually
timid; repressed; and under constraint。'
Mistress Affery; fixedly attentive in the window…seat; biting the
rolled up end of her apron; and trembling from head to foot; here cried
out;'Jeremiah; keep off from me! I've heerd; in my dreams; of Arthur's
father and his uncle。 He's a talking of them。 It was before my time
here; but I've heerd in my dreams that Arthur's father was a poor;
irresolute; frightened chap; who had had everything but his orphan life
scared out of him when he was young; and that he had no voice in the
choice of his wife even; but his uncle chose her。 There she sits! I
heerd it in my dreams; and you said it to her own self。'
As Mr Flintwinch shook his fist at her; and as Mrs Clennam gazed upon
her; Rigaud kissed his hand to her。 'Perfectly right; dear Madame
Flintwinch。 You have a genius for dreaming。'
'I don't want none of your praises;' returned Affery。 'I don't want to
have nothing at all to say to you。 But Jeremiah said they was dreams;
and I'll tell 'em as such!' Here she put her apron in her mouth again;
as if she were stopping somebody else's mouth……perhaps jeremiah's; which
was chattering with threats as if he were grimly cold。
'Our beloved Madame Flintwinch;' said Rigaud; 'developing all of a
sudden a fine susceptibility and spirituality; is right to a marvel。
Yes。 So runs the history。 Monsieur; the uncle; mands the nephew to
marry。 Monsieur says to him in effect; 〃My nephew; I introduce to you a
lady of strong force of character; like myself……a resolved lady; a stern
lady; a lady who has a will that can break the weak to powder: a lady
without pity; without love; implacable; revengeful; cold as the stone;
but raging as the fire。〃
Ah! what fortitude! Ah; what superiority of intellectual strength!
Truly; a proud and noble character that I describe in the supposed words
of Monsieur; the uncle。 Ha; ha; ha! Death of my soul; I love the sweet
Mrs Clennam's face had changed。 There was a remarkable darkness of
colour on it; and the brow was more contracted。 'Madame; madame;' said
Rigaud; tapping her on the arm; as if his cruel hand were sounding a
musical instrument; 'I perceive I interest you。 I perceive I awaken your
sympathy。 Let us go on。'
The drooping nose and the ascending moustache had; however; to be hidden
for a moment with the white hand; before he could go on; he enjoyed the
effect he made so much。
'The nephew; being; as the lucid Madame Flintwinch has remarked; a poor
devil who has had everything but his orphan life frightened and famished
out of him……the nephew abases his head; and makes response: 〃My uncle;
it is to you to mand。 Do as you will!〃 Monsieur; the uncle; does as
he will。 It is what he always does。 The auspicious nuptials take place;
the newly married e home to this charming mansion; the lady is
received; let us suppose; by Flintwinch。 Hey; old intriguer?'
Jeremiah; with his eyes upon his mistress; made no reply。 Rigaud looked
from one to the other; struck his ugly nose; and made a clucking with
his tongue。
'Soon the lady makes a singular and exciting discovery。 Thereupon;
full of anger; full of jealousy; full of vengeance; she forms……see you;
madame!……a scheme of retribution; the weight of which she ingeniously
forces her crushed husband to bear himself; as well as execute upon her
enemy。 What superior intelligence!'
'Keep off; Jeremiah!' cried the palpitating Affery; taking her apron
from her mouth again。 'But it was one of my dreams; that you told her;
when you quarrelled with her one winter evening at dusk……there she sits
and you looking at her……that she oughtn't to have let Arthur when he
e home; suspect his father only; that she had always had the strength
and the power; and that she ought to have stood up more to Arthur; for
his father。 It was in the same dream where you said to her that she was
not……not something; but I don't know what; for she burst out tremendous
and stopped you。 You know the dream as well as I do。 When you e
down…stairs into the kitchen with the candle in your hand; and hitched
my apron off my head。 When you told me I had been dreaming。 When you
wouldn't believe the noises。' After this explosion Affery put her apron
into her mouth again; always keeping her hand on the window…sill and her
knee on the window…seat; ready to cry out or jump out if her lord and
master approached。
Rigaud had not lost a word of this。
'Haha!' he cried; lifting his eyebrows; folding his arms; and leaning
back in his chair。 'Assuredly; Madame Flintwinch is an oracle! How shall
we interpret the oracle; you and I and the old