little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第202章
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gentleman along all the roads and up and down all the turnings and to
make inquiries for him at all the hotels and orange…trees and vineyards
and volcanoes and places for he must be somewhere and why doesn't he
e forward and say he's there and clear all parties up?'
'Pray; madam;' said Mr Dorrit; referring to the handbill again; 'who is
Clennam and Co。? Ha。 I see the name mentioned here; in connection with
the occupation of the house which Monsieur Blandois was seen to
enter: who is Clennam and Co。? Is it the individual of whom I had
formerly……hum……some……ha……slight transitory knowledge; and to whom I
believe you have referred? Is it……ha……that person?'
'It's a very different person indeed;' replied Flora; 'with no limbs and
wheels instead and the grimmest of women though his mother。'
'Clennam and Co。 a……hum……a mother!' exclaimed Mr Dorrit。
'And an old man besides;' said Flora。
Mr Dorrit looked as if he must immediately be driven out of his mind
by this account。 Neither was it rendered more favourable to sanity by
Flora's dashing into a rapid analysis of Mr Flintwinch's cravat; and
describing him; without the lightest boundary line of separation between
his identity and Mrs Clennam's; as a rusty screw in gaiters。 Which
pound of man and woman; no limbs; wheels; rusty screw; grimness; and
gaiters; so pletely stupefied Mr Dorrit; that he was a spectacle to
be pitied。 'But I would not detain you one moment longer;' said Flora;
upon whom his condition wrought its effect; though she was quite
unconscious of having produced it; 'if you would have the goodness to
give your promise as a gentleman that both in going back to Italy and
in Italy too you would look for this Mr Blandois high and low and if
you found or heard of him make him e forward for the clearing of
all parties。' By that time Mr Dorrit had so far recovered from his
bewilderment; as to be able to say; in a tolerably connected manner;
that he should consider that his duty。 Flora was delighted with her
success; and rose to take her leave。
'With a million thanks;' said she; 'and my address upon my card in case
of anything to be municated personally; I will not send my love to
the dear little thing for it might not be acceptable; and indeed there
is no dear little thing left in the transformation so why do it but
both myself and Mr F。's Aunt ever wish her well and lay no claim to any
favour on our side you may be sure of that but quite the other way for
what she undertook to do she did and that is more than a great many of
us do; not to say anything of her doing it as Well as it could be
done and I myself am one of them for I have said ever since I began to
recover the blow of Mr F's death that I would learn the Organ of which
I am extremely fond but of which I am ashamed to say I do not yet know a
note; good evening!'
When Mr Dorrit; who attended her to the room…door; had had a little time
to collect his senses; he found that the interview had summoned back
discarded reminiscences which jarred with the Merdle dinner…table。
He wrote and sent off a brief note excusing himself for that day; and
ordered dinner presently in his own rooms at the hotel。 He had another
reason for this。 His time in London was very nearly out; and was
anticipated by engagements; his plans were made for returning; and he
thought it behoved his importance to pursue some direct inquiry into the
Blandois disappearance; and be in a condition to carry back to Mr
Henry Gowan the result of his own personal investigation。 He therefore
resolved that he would take advantage of that evening's freedom to go
down to Clennam and Co。's; easily to be found by the direction set forth
in the handbill; and see the place; and ask a question or two there
Having dined as plainly as the establishment and the Courier would let
him; and having taken a short sleep by the fire for his better recovery
from Mrs Finching; he set out in a hackney…cabriolet alone。 The deep
bell of St Paul's was striking nine as he passed under the shadow of
Temple Bar; headless and forlorn in these degenerate days。
As he approached his destination through the by…streets and water…side
ways; that part of London seemed to him an uglier spot at such an hour
than he had ever supposed it to be。 Many long years had passed since he
had seen it; he had never known much of it; and it wore a mysterious and
dismal aspect in his eyes。 So powerfully was his imagination impressed
by it; that when his driver stopped; after having asked the way more
than once; and said to the best of his belief this was the gateway they
wanted; Mr Dorrit stood hesitating; with the coach…door in his hand;
half afraid of the dark look of the place。
Truly; it looked as gloomy that night as even it had ever looked。 Two of
the handbills were posted on the entrance wall; one on either side; and
as the lamp flickered in the night air; shadows passed over them; not
unlike the shadows of fingers following the lines。 A watch was evidently
kept upon the place。 As Mr Dorrit paused; a man passed in from over the
way; and another man passed out from some dark corner within; and both
looked at him in passing; and both remained standing about。
As there was only one house in the enclosure; there was no room for
uncertainty; so he went up the steps of that house and knocked。 There
was a dim light in two windows on the first…floor。 The door gave back
a dreary; vacant sound; as though the house were empty; but it was not;
for a light was visible; and a step was audible; almost directly。 They
both came to the door; and a chain grated; and a woman with her apron
thrown over her face and head stood in the aperture。
'Who is it?' said the woman。
Mr Dorrit; much amazed by this appearance; replied that he was from
Italy; and that he wished to ask a question relative to the missing
person; whom he knew。
'Hi!' cried the woman; raising a cracked voice。 'Jeremiah!'
Upon this; a dry old man appeared; whom Mr Dorrit thought he identified
by his gaiters; as the rusty screw。 The woman was Under apprehensions
of the dry old man; for she whisked her apron away as he approached; and
disclosed a pale affrighted face。 'Open the door; you fool;' said the
old man; 'and let the gentleman in。'
Mr Dorrit; not without a glance over his shoulder towards his driver and
the cabriolet; walked into the dim hall。 'Now; sir;' said Mr Flintwinch;
'you can ask anything here you think proper; there are no secrets here;
Before a reply could be made; a strong stern voice; though a woman's;
called from above; 'Who is it?'
'Who is it?' returned Jeremiah。 'More inquiries。 A gentleman from
'Bring him up here!'
Mr Flintwinch muttered; as if he deemed that unnecessary; but; turning
to Mr Dorrit; said; 'Mrs Clennam。 She will do as she likes。 I'll show
you the way。' He then preceded Mr Dorrit up the blackened staircase;
that gentleman; not unnaturally looking behind him on the road; saw the
woman following; with her apron thrown over her head again in her former
ghastly manner。
Mrs Clennam had her books open on her little table。 'Oh!' said she
abruptly; as she eyed her visitor wit