little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第198章
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at which to make it; with an air of taking credit for it; at which to
believe it; if such a thing could be!
'Don't speak; Amy。 I positively say I cannot do it。 I……ha……must not do
it。 My……hum……conscience would not allow it。 I therefore; my love; take
the opportunity afforded by this gratifying and impressive occasion
of……ha……solemnly remarking; that it is now a cherished wish and purpose
of mine to see you……ha……eligibly (I repeat eligibly) married。'
'Oh no; dear! Pray!'
'Amy;' said Mr Dorrit; 'I am well persuaded that if the topic were
referred to any person of superior social knowledge; of superior
delicacy and sense……let us say; for instance; to……ha……Mrs General……that
there would not be two opinions as to the……hum……affectionate character
and propriety of my sentiments。 But; as I know your loving and dutiful
nature from……hum……from experience; I am quite satisfied that it is
necessary to say no more。 I have……hum……no husband to propose at
present; my dear: I have not even one in view。 I merely wish that we
should……ha……understand each other。 Hum。 Good night; my dear and sole
remaining daughter。 Good night。
God bless you!'
If the thought ever entered Little Dorrit's head that night; that he
could give her up lightly now in his prosperity; and when he had it in
his mind to replace her with a second wife; she drove it away。 Faithful
to him still; as in the worst times through which she had borne him
single…handed; she drove the thought away; and entertained no harder
reflection; in her tearful unrest; than that he now saw everything
through their wealth; and through the care he always had upon him that
they should continue rich; and grow richer。
They sat in their equipage of state; with Mrs General on the box; for
three weeks longer; and then he started for Florence to join Fanny。
Little Dorrit would have been glad to bear him pany so far; only for
the sake of her own love; and then to have turned back alone; thinking
of dear England。 But; though the Courier had gone on with the Bride; the
Valet was next in the line; and the succession would not have e to
her; as long as any one could be got for money。
Mrs General took life easily……as easily; that is; as she could
take anything……when the Roman establishment remained in their sole
occupation; and Little Dorrit would often ride out in a hired carriage
that was left them; and alight alone and wander among the ruins of old
Rome。 The ruins of the vast old Amphitheatre; of the old Temples; of the
old memorative Arches; of the old trodden highways; of the old
tombs; besides being what they were; to her were ruins of the old
Marshalsea……ruins of her own old life……ruins of the faces and forms
that of old peopled it……ruins of its loves; hopes; cares; and joys。 Two
ruined spheres of action and suffering were before the solitary girl
often sitting on some broken fragment; and in the lonely places; under
the blue sky; she saw them both together。
Up; then; would e Mrs General; taking all the colour out of
everything; as Nature and Art had taken it out of herself; writing
Prunes and Prism; in Mr Eustace's text; wherever she could lay a hand;
looking everywhere for Mr Eustace and pany; and seeing nothing else;
scratching up the driest little bones of antiquity; and bolting them
whole without any human visitings……like a Ghoule in gloves。
CHAPTER 16。 Getting on
The newly married pair; on their arrival in Harley Street; Cavendish
Square; London; were received by the Chief Butler。 That great man was
not interested in them; but on the whole endured them。 People must
continue to be married and given in marriage; or Chief Butlers would not
be wanted。 As nations are made to be taxed; so families are made to
be butlered。 The Chief Butler; no doubt; reflected that the course of
nature required the wealthy population to be kept up; on his account。
He therefore condescended to look at the carriage from the Hall…door
without frowning at it; and said; in a very handsome way; to one of
his men; 'Thomas; help with the luggage。' He even escorted the Bride
up…stairs into Mr Merdle's presence; but this must be considered as an
act of homage to the sex (of which he was an admirer; being notoriously
captivated by the charms of a certain Duchess); and not as a mittal
of himself with the family。
Mr Merdle was slinking about the hearthrug; waiting to wele Mrs
Sparkler。 His hand seemed to retreat up his sleeve as he advanced to
do so; and he gave her such a superfluity of coat…cuff that it was like
being received by the popular conception of Guy Fawkes。 When he put his
lips to hers; besides; he took himself into custody by the wrists; and
backed himself among the ottomans and chairs and tables as if he were
his own Police officer; saying to himself; 'Now; none of that! e!
I've got you; you knoe!'
Mrs Sparkler; installed in the rooms of state……the innermost sanctuary
of down; silk; chintz; and fine linen……felt that so far her triumph was
good; and her way made; step by step。 On the day before her marriage;
she had bestowed on Mrs Merdle's maid with an air of gracious
indifference; in Mrs Merdle's presence; a trifling little keepsake
(bracelet; bon; and two dresses; all new) about four times as
valuable as the present formerly made by Mrs Merdle to her。 She was now
established in Mrs Merdle's own rooms; to which some extra touches had
been given to render them more worthy of her occupation。 In her mind's
eye; as she lounged there; surrounded by every luxurious accessory that
wealth could obtain or invention devise; she saw the fair bosom that
beat in unison with the exultation of her thoughts; peting with the
bosom that had been famous so long; outshining it; and deposing it。
Happy? Fanny must have been happy。 No more wishing one's self dead now。
The Courier had not approved of Mr Dorrit's staying in the house of
a friend; and had preferred to take him to an hotel in Brook Street;
Grosvenor Square。 Mr Merdle ordered his carriage to be ready early
in the morning that he might wait upon Mr Dorrit immediately after
breakfast。 Bright the carriage looked; sleek the horses looked; gleaming
the harness looked; luscious and lasting the liveries looked。 A rich;
responsible turn…out。 An equipage for a Merdle。 Early people looked
after it as it rattled along the streets; and said; with awe in their
breath; 'There he goes!'
There he went; until Brook Street stopped him。 Then; forth from its
magnificent case came the jewel; not lustrous in itself; but quite the
motion in the office of the hotel。 Merdle! The landlord; though
a gentleman of a haughty spirit who had just driven a pair of
thorough…bred horses into town; turned out to show him up…stairs。
The clerks and servants cut him off by back…passages; and were found
accidentally hovering in doorways and angles; that they might look upon
him。 Merdle! O ye sun; moon; and stars; the great man! The rich man; who
had in a manner revised the New Testament; and already entered into the
kingdom of Heaven。 The man who could have any one he chose to dine with
him; and who had made the money!
As he went up the stairs; people were already posted