little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第195章
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upright again。
'……That my daughter Fanny is……ha……contracted to be married to Mr
Sparkler; ; you will be
relieved of half your difficult charge……ha……difficult charge。' Mr
Dorrit repeated it with his angry eye on Fanny。 'But not; I hope; to
the……hum……diminution of any other portion; direct or indirect; of the
footing you have at present the kindness to occupy in my family。'
'Mr Dorrit;' returned Mrs General; with her gloved hands resting on
one another in exemplary repose; 'is ever considerate; and ever but too
appreciative of my friendly services。'
(Miss Fanny coughed; as much as to say; 'You are right。')
'Miss Dorrit has no doubt exercised the soundest discretion of which
the circumstances admitted; and I trust will allow me to offer her my
sincere congratulations。 When free from the trammels of passion;' Mrs
General closed her eyes at the word; as if she could not utter it; and
see anybody; 'when occurring with the approbation of near relatives;
and when cementing the proud structure of a family edifice; these are
usually auspicious events。
I trust Miss Dorrit will allow me to offer her my best congratulations。'
Here Mrs General stopped; and added internally; for the setting of her
face; 'Papa; potatoes; poultry; Prunes; and prism。'
'Mr Dorrit;' she superadded aloud; 'is ever most obliging; and for
the attention; and I will add distinction; of having this confidence
imparted to me by himself and Miss Dorrit at this early time; I beg to
offer the tribute of my thanks。 My thanks; and my congratulations; are
equally the meed of Mr Dorrit and of Miss Dorrit。'
'To me;' observed Miss Fanny; 'they are excessively
gratifying……inexpressibly so。 The relief of finding that you have no
objection to make; Mrs General; quite takes a load off my mind; I am
sure。 I hardly know what I should have done;' said Fanny; 'if you had
interposed any objection; Mrs General。'
Mrs General changed her gloves; as to the right glove being uppermost
and the left undermost; with a Prunes and Prism smile。
'To preserve your approbation; Mrs General;' said Fanny; returning the
smile with one in which there was no trace of those ingredients; 'will
of course be the highest object of my married life; to lose it; would of
course be perfect wretchedness。 I am sure your great kindness will
not object; and I hope papa will not object; to my correcting a
small mistake you have made; however。 The best of us are so liable to
mistakes; that even you; Mrs General; have fallen into a little error。
The attention and distinction you have so impressively mentioned; Mrs
General; as attaching to this confidence; are; I have no doubt; of the
most plimentary and gratifying description; but they don't at all
proceed from me。 The merit of having consulted you on the subject would
have been so great in me; that I feel I must not lay claim to it when it
really is not mine。 It is wholly papa's。 I am deeply obliged to you for
your encouragement and patronage; but it was papa who asked for it。
I have to thank you; Mrs General; for relieving my breast of a great
weight by so handsomely giving your consent to my engagement; but you
have really nothing to thank me for。 I hope you will always approve of
my proceedings after I have left home and that my sister also may long
remain the favoured object of your condescension; Mrs General。'
With this address; which was delivered in her politest manner; Fanny
left the room with an elegant and cheerful air……to tear up…stairs with
a flushed face as soon as she was out of hearing; pounce in upon her
sister; call her a little Dormouse; shake her for the better opening of
her eyes; tell her what had passed below; and ask her what she thought
of Pa now?
Towards Mrs Merdle; the young lady ported herself with great
independence and self…possession; but not as yet with any more decided
opening of hostilities。 Occasionally they had a slight skirmish; as when
Fanny considered herself patted on the back by that lady; or as when Mrs
Merdle looked particularly young and well; but Mrs Merdle always soon
terminated those passages of arms by sinking among her cushions with the
gracefullest indifference; and finding her attention otherwise engaged。
Society (for that mysterious creature sat upon the Seven Hills too)
found Miss Fanny vastly improved by her engagement。 She was much more
accessible; much more free and engaging; much less exacting; insomuch
that she now entertained a host of followers and admirers; to the bitter
indignation of ladies with daughters to marry; who were to be regarded
as Having revolted from Society on the Miss Dorrit grievance; and
erected a rebellious standard。 Enjoying the flutter she caused。 Miss
Dorrit not only haughtily moved through it in her own proper person; but
haughtily; even Ostentatiously; led Mr Sparkler through it too: seeming
to say to them all; 'If I think proper to march among you in triumphal
procession attended by this weak captive in bonds; rather than a
stronger one; that is my business。 Enough that I choose to do it!' Mr
Sparkler for his part; questioned nothing; but went wherever he was
taken; did whatever he was told; felt that for his bride…elect to be
distinguished was for him to be distinguished on the easiest terms; and
was truly grateful for being so openly acknowledged。
The winter passing on towards the spring while this condition of affairs
prevailed; it became necessary for Mr Sparkler to repair to England; and
take his appointed part in the expression and direction of its genius;
learning; merce; spirit; and sense。 The land of Shakespeare; Milton;
Bacon; Newton; Watt; the land of a host of past and present abstract
philosophers; natural philosophers; and subduers of Nature and Art in
their myriad forms; called to Mr Sparkler to e and take care of it;
lest it should perish。 Mr Sparkler; unable to resist the agonised cry
from the depths of his country's soul; declared that he must go。
It followed that the question was rendered pressing when; where; and
how Mr Sparkler should be married to the foremost girl in all this world
with no nonsense about her。 Its solution; after some little mystery and
secrecy; Miss Fanny herself announced to her sister。
'Now; my child;' said she; seeking her out one day; 'I am going to tell
you something。 It is only this moment broached; and naturally I hurry to
you the moment it IS broached。'
'Your marriage; Fanny?'
'My precious child;' said Fanny; 'don't anticipate me。 Let me impart my
confidence to you; you flurried little thing; in my own way。 As to your
guess; if I answered it literally; I should answer no。 For really it is
not my marriage that is in question; half as much as it is Edmund's。'
Little Dorrit looked; and perhaps not altogether without cause; somewhat
at a loss to understand this fine distinction。
'I am in no difficulty;' exclaimed Fanny; 'and in no hurry。 I am not
wanted at any public office; or to give any vote anywhere else。
But Edmund is。 And Edmund is deeply dejected at the idea of going away
by himself; and; indeed; I don't like that he should be trusted by
himself。 For; if it's possible……and it generally is……to