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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第110章

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页3000字

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and pleasure of my new life; to draw them to a better knowledge of one
another; and to be a happiness to one another; and to be proud of one
another; and to love one another; both loving me so dearly; oh; as you
are a kind; true man! when I am first separated from home (I am going a
long distance away); try to reconcile papa to him a little more; and use
your great influence to keep him before papa's mind free from
prejudice and in his real form。 Will you do this for me; as you are a
noble…hearted friend?'

Poor Pet! Self…deceived; mistaken child! When were such changes
ever made in men's natural relations to one another: when was such
reconcilement of ingrain differences ever effected! It has been tried
many times by other daughters; Minnie; it has never succeeded; nothing
has ever e of it but failure。

So Clennam thought。 So he did not say; it was too late。 He bound himself
to do all she asked; and she knew full well that he would do it。

They were now at the last tree in the avenue。 She stopped; and withdrew
her arm。 Speaking to him with her eyes lifted up to his; and with the
hand that had lately rested on his sleeve trembling by touching one of
the roses in his breast as an additional appeal to him; she said:

'Dear Mr Clennam; in my happiness……for I am happy; though you have seen
me crying……I cannot bear to leave any cloud between us。 If you have
anything to forgive me (not anything that I have wilfully done; but any
trouble I may have caused you without meaning it; or having it in my
power to help it); forgive me to…night out of your noble heart!'

He stooped to meet the guileless face that met his without shrinking。 He
kissed it; and answered; Heaven knew that he had nothing to forgive。
As he stooped to meet the innocent face once again; she whispered;
'Good…bye!' and he repeated it。 It was taking leave of all his old
hopes……all nobody's old restless doubts。 They came out of the avenue
next moment; arm…in…arm as they had entered it: and the trees seemed to
close up behind them in the darkness; like their own perspective of the

The voices of Mr and Mrs Meagles and Doyce were audible directly;
speaking near the garden gate。 Hearing Pet's name among them; Clennam
called out; 'She is here; with me。' There was some little wondering and
laughing until they came up; but as soon as they had all e together;
it ceased; and Pet glided away。

Mr Meagles; Doyce; and Clennam; without speaking; walked up and down
on the brink of the river; in the light of the rising moon; for a few
minutes; and then Doyce lingered behind; and went into the house。 Mr
Meagles and Clennam walked up and down together for a few minutes more
without speaking; until at length the former broke silence。

'Arthur;' said he; using that familiar address for the first time in
their munication; 'do you remember my telling you; as we walked up
and down one hot morning; looking over the harbour at Marseilles; that
Pet's baby sister who was dead seemed to Mother and me to have grown as
she had grown; and changed as she had changed?'

'Very well。'

'You remember my saying that our thoughts had never been able to
separate those twin sisters; and that; in our fancy; whatever Pet was;
the other was?'

'Yes; very well。'

'Arthur;' said Mr Meagles; much subdued; 'I carry that fancy further
to…night。 I feel to…night; my dear fellow; as if you had loved my dead
child very tenderly; and had lost her when she was like what Pet is

'Thank you!' murmured Clennam; 'thank you!' And pressed his hand。

'Will you e in?' said Mr Meagles; presently。

'In a little while。'

Mr Meagles fell away; and he was left alone。 When he had walked on the
river's brink in the peaceful moonlight for some half an hour; he put
his hand in his breast and tenderly took out the handful of roses。
Perhaps he put them to his heart; perhaps he put them to his lips; but
certainly he bent down on the shore and gently launched them on the
flowing river。 Pale and unreal in the moonlight; the river floated them
away。 The lights were bright within doors when he entered; and the
faces on which they shone; his own face not excepted; were soon quietly
cheerful。 They talked of many subjects (his partner never had had such a
ready store to draw upon for the beguiling of the time); and so to
bed; and to sleep。 While the flowers; pale and unreal in the moonlight;
floated away upon the river; and thus do greater things that once were
in our breasts; and near our hearts; flow from us to the eternal seas。

CHAPTER 29。 Mrs Flintwinch goes on Dreaming

The house in the city preserved its heavy dulness through all these
transactions; and the invalid within it turned the same unvarying
round of life。 Morning; noon; and night; morning; noon; and night; each
recurring with its acpanying monotony; always the same reluctant
return of the same sequences of machinery; like a dragging piece of

The wheeled chair had its associated remembrances and reveries; one may
suppose; as every place that is made the station of a human being has。
Pictures of demolished streets and altered houses; as they formerly were
when the occupant of the chair was familiar with them; images of people
as they too used to be; with little or no allowance made for the lapse
of time since they were seen; of these; there must have been many in the
long routine of gloomy days。 To stop the clock of busy existence at the
hour when  it; to suppose mankind
stricken motionless when we were brought to a stand…still; to be unable
to measure the changes beyond our view by any larger standard than
the shrunken one of our own uniform and contracted existence; is the
infirmity of many invalids; and the mental unhealthiness of almost all

What scenes and actors the stern woman most reviewed; as she sat
from season to season in her one dark room; none knew but herself。 Mr
Flintwinch; with his wry presence brought to bear upon her daily like
some eccentric mechanical force; would perhaps have screwed it out of
her; if there had been less resistance in her; but she was too strong
for him。 So far as Mistress Affery was concerned; to regard her
liege…lord and her disabled mistress with a face of blank wonder; to
go about the house after dark with her apron over her head; always to
listen for the strange noises and sometimes to hear them; and never
to emerge from her ghostly; dreamy; sleep…waking state; was occupation
enough for her。

There was a fair stroke of business doing; as Mistress Affery made out;
for her husband had abundant occupation in his little office; and saw
more people than had been used to e there for some years。 This might
easily be; the house having been long deserted; but he did receive
letters; and ers; and keep books; and correspond。 Moreover; he went
about to other counting…houses; and to wharves; and docks; and to the
Custom House;' and to Garraway's Coffee House; and the Jerusalem Coffee
House; and on 'Change; so that he was much in and out。 He began; too;
sometimes of an evening; when Mrs Clennam expressed no particular wish
for his society; to resort to a tavern in the neighbourhood to lo

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