首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第58章
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‘No; it wasn’t; it was horrible;’ said Samantha; who was only appreciating how drunk she was now that she was on her feet。 ‘What do you think of Kay?’
‘I don’t know。 She’s not what I expected;’ said Mary。
‘She’s exactly what I expected;’ said Samantha; taking out plates for pudding。 ‘She’s another Lisa; if you ask me。’
‘Oh; no; don’t say that;’ said Mary。 ‘He deserves someone nice this time。’
This was a most novel point of view to Samantha; who was of the opinion that Gavin’s wetness merited constant punishment。
They returned to the dining room to find an animated conversation in progress between Kay and Miles; while Gavin sat in silence。
‘… offload responsibility for them; which seems to me to be a pretty self…centred and self…satisfied—’
‘Well; I think it’s interesting that you use the word “responsibility”;’ said Miles; ‘because I think that goes to the very heart of the problem; doesn’t it? The question is; where exactly do we draw the line?’
‘Beyond the Fields; apparently。’ Kay laughed; with condescension。 ‘You want to draw a line neatly between the home…owning middle classes and the lower—’
‘Pagford’s full of working…class people; Kay; the difference is; most of them work。 D’you know what proportion of the Fields lives off benefits? Responsibility; you say: what happened to personal responsibility? We’ve had them through the local school for years: kids who haven’t got a single worker in the family; the concept of earning a living is pletely foreign to them; generations of non…workers; and we’re expected to subsidize them—’
‘So your solution is to shunt off the problem onto Yarvil;’ said Kay; ‘not to engage with any of the underlying—’
‘Mississippi mud pie?’ called Samantha。
Gavin and Mary took slices with thanks; Kay; to Samantha’s fury; simply held out her plate as though Samantha were a waitress; her attention all on Miles。
‘… the addiction clinic; which is absolutely crucial; and which certain people are apparently lobbying to close—’
‘Oh; well; if you’re talking about Bellchapel;’ said Miles; shaking his head and smirking; ‘I hope you’ve mugged up on what the success rates are; Kay。 Pathetic; frankly; absolutely pathetic。 I’ve seen the figures; I was going through them this morning; and I won’t lie to you; the sooner they close—’
‘And the figures you’re talking about are …?’
‘Success rates; Kay; exactly what I said: the number of people who have actually stopped using drugs; gone clean—’
‘I’m sorry; but that’s a very naive point of view; if you’re going to judge success purely—’
‘But how on earth else are we supposed to judge an addiction clinic’s success?’ demanded Miles; incredulous。 ‘As far as I can tell; all they do at Bellchapel is dole out methadone; which half of their clients use alongside heroin anyway。’
‘The whole problem of addiction is immensely plicated;’ said Kay; ‘and it’s naive and simplistic to put the problem purely in terms of users and non …’
But Miles was shaking his head; smiling; Kay; who had been enjoying her verbal duel with this self…satisfied lawyer; was suddenly angry。
‘Well; I can give you a very concrete example of what Bellchapel’s doing: one family I’m working with – mother; teenage daughter and small son – if the mother wasn’t on methadone; she’d be on the streets trying to pay for her habit; the kids are immeasurably better off—’
‘They’d be better off away from their mother; by the sound of it;’ said Miles。
‘And where exactly would you propose they go?’
‘A decent foster home would be a good start;’ said Miles。
‘Do you know how many foster homes there are; against how many kids needing them?’ asked Kay。
‘The best solution would have been to have them adopted at birth—’
‘Fabulous。 I’ll hop in my time machine;’ retorted Kay。
‘Well; we know a couple who were desperate to adopt;’ said Samantha; unexpectedly throwing her weight behind Miles。 She would not forgive Kay for the rude outstretched plate; the woman was bolshy and patronizing; exactly like Lisa; who had monopolized every get…together with her political views and her job in family law; despising Samantha for owning a bra shop。 ‘Adam and Janice;’ she reminded Miles in parenthesis; who nodded; ‘and they couldn’t get a baby for love nor money; could they?’
‘Yes; a baby;’ said Kay; rolling her eyes; ‘everybody wants a baby。 Robbie’s nearly four。 He’s not potty…trained; he’s developmentally behind for his age and he’s almost certainly had inappropriate exposure to sexual behaviour。 Would your friends like to adopt him?’
‘But the point is; if he’d been taken from his mother at birth—’
‘She was off the drugs when he was born; and making good progress;’ said Kay。 ‘She loved him and wanted to keep him; and she was meeting his needs at the time。 She’d already raised Krystal; with some family support—’
‘Krystal!’ shrieked Samantha。 ‘Oh my God; are we talking about the Weedons?’
Kay was horrified that she had used names; it had never mattered in London; but everyone truly did know everyone in Pagford; it seemed。
‘I shouldn’t have—’
But Miles and Samantha were laughing; and Mary looked tense。 Kay; who had not touched her pie; and had managed very little of the first course; realized that she had drunk too much; she had been sipping wine steadily out of nerves; and now she had mitted a prime indiscretion。 Still; it was too late to undo that; anger overrode every other consideration。
‘Krystal Weedon is no advert for that woman’s mothering skills;’ said Miles。
‘Krystal’s trying her damnedest to hold her family together;’ said Kay。 ‘She loves her little brother very much; she’s terrified he’ll be taken away—’
‘I wouldn’t trust Krystal Weedon to look after a boiling egg;’ said Miles; and Samantha laughed again。 ‘Oh; look; it’s to her credit she loves her brother; but he isn’t a cuddly toy—’
‘Yes; I know that;’ snapped Kay; remembering Robbie’s shitty; crusted bottom; ‘but he’s still loved。’
‘Krystal bullied our daughter Lexie;’ said Samantha; ‘so we’ve seen a different side of her to the one I’m sure she shows you。’
‘Look; we all know Krystal’s had a rough deal;’ said Miles; ‘nobody’s denying that。 It’s the drug…addled mother I’ve got an issue with。’
‘As a matter of fact; she’s doing very well on the Bellchapel programme at the moment。’
‘But with her history;’ said Miles; ‘it isn’t rocket science; is it; to guess that she’ll relapse?’
‘If you apply that rule across the board; you ought not to have a driving licence; because with your history you’re bound to drink and drive again。’
Miles was temporarily baffled; but Samantha said coldly; ‘I think that’s a rather different thing。’
‘Do you?’ said Kay。 ‘It’s the same principle。’
‘Yes; well; principles are sometimes the problem; if you ask me;’ said Miles。 ‘Often what’s needed is a bit of mon sense。’
‘Which is the name people usually give to their prejudices;’ rejoined Kay。
‘According to Nietzsche;’ said a sharp new voice; making them all jump; ‘p