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 number of people to appreciate the joke。 Sir Harry Kroto's original entry; which he much prefers; is reproduced below。

A guy is walking along the road in Glasgow and sees a man with a humungous great dog on the other side of the street。 He goes over and says; 'Hey Jimmy; dis yer dawg byte?'

The man says; 'Nu。'

So the guy pats the dog on the head; whereupon the dog snaps; and bites off a couple of fingers。 'Grrrrwrwrurrwrrfraarrrrrrrrrgggg… gggklle。。。umph。

The guy screams; 'Aaaghgee;' as blood streams from his hand; and shouts; 'A tawt yer said yer dawg dusna byte。'

The man says quietly with a look of calm diffidence; 'Sna ma dawg。 '

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[23]S。 Fisher & R。 L。 Fisher…Pretend the World is Funny and Forever: A psychological analysis of edians; clowns; and actors。 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Hillsdale; 1981。

[24]J。 Rotton… 'Trait humor and longevity: Do ics have the last laugh?' Health Psychology #11(4); pages 262…6。 1992。

[25]H。 M。 Lefcourt… 'Humor'; in C。 R。 Snyder & S。 J。 Lopez feds); Handbook of Positive Psychology; pages 619…31。 Oxford University Press: Oxford; 2005。

[26]H。 Lefcourt; K。 Davidson…Katz & K。 Kueneman… 'Humor and immune system functioning'; International Journal of Humor Research #3; pages 305…21。 1990。

[27]J。 Rotton 86 M。 Shats… 'Effects of state humor; expectancies; and choice on postsurgical mood and self…medication: A field Notes experiment'; Journal of Applied Social Psychology #26; pages 1775…94。 1996。

[28]H。M。 Lefcourt; K。 Davidson; R。 Shepherd; M。 Phillips; K。 Prkachin & D。 Mills… 'Perspective…taking humor: Accounting for stress moderation'; Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology #14; pages 373…91。 1995。

[29]D。 Keltner & G。 A。 Bonanno… 'A study of laughter and dissociation: Distinct correlates of laughter and smiling during bereavement'; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology #73; pages 687…702。 1997。 G。 A。 Bonanno & D。 Keltner… 'Facial expressions of emotion and the course of conjugal bereavement'; Journal of Abnormal Psychology #106; pages 126…37。 1997。

[30]V。 Saroglou… 'Sense of humor and religion: An a priori inpatibility? Theoretical considerations from a psychological perspective'; Humor: International Journal of Humor Research #15; pages 191…214。 2002。

[31]id。… 'Religiousness; religious fundamentalism; and quest as predictors of humor creation'; International Journal for the Psychology of Religion #12; pages 177…88。 2002。

[32]V。 Saroglou & J。 M。 Jaspard… 'Does religion affect humour creation? An experimental study'。 Mental Healtb; Religion; and Culture #4; pages 33…46。 2001。

[33]H。J。 Eysenck… 'National differences in 〃sense of humor〃: Three experimental and statistical studies'; Journal of Personality # 13 (1); pages 37…54。 1944。

[34]T。 Radford… 'Don't gag on it; but this is what has us all in stitches'; Guardian; page 6。4 October 2003。

第6章 是罪人还是圣人——自私心理学

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