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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第97章

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gh to bury him in London。〃
Langdon nodded。 〃Does it ring any bells?〃
Gettum moved toward one of the workstations。 〃Not offhand; but let's see what we can pull up in the database。〃
Over the past two decades; King's College Research Institute in Systematic Theology had used optical character recognition software in unison with linguistic translation devices to digitize and catalog an enormous collection of texts—encyclopedias of religion; religious biographies; sacred scriptures in dozens of languages; histories; Vatican letters; diaries of clerics; anything at all that qualified as writings on human spirituality。 Because the massive collection was now in the form of bits and bytes rather than physical pages; the data was infinitely more accessible。
Settling into one of the workstations; Gettum eyed the slip of paper and began typing。 〃To begin; we'll run a straight Boolean with a few obvious keywords and see what happens。〃
〃Thank you。〃
Gettum typed in a few words:
As she clicked the SEARCH button; she could feel the hum of the massive mainframe downstairs scanning data at a rate of 500 MB/sec。 〃I'm asking the system to show us any documents whose plete text contains all three of these keywords。 We'll get more hits than we want; but it's a good place to start。〃
The screen was already showing the first of the hits now。
Painting the Pope。 The Collected Portraits of Sir Joshua Reynolds。 London University Press。
Gettum shook her head。 〃Obviously not what you're looking for。〃 She scrolled to the next hit。
The London Writings of Alexander Pope by G。 Wilson Knight。
Again she shook her head。
As the system churned on; the hits came up more quickly than usual。 Dozens of texts appeared; many of them referencing the eighteenth…century British writer Alexander Pope; whose counterreligious; mock…epic poetry apparently contained plenty of references to knights and London。
Gettum shot a quick glance to the numeric field at the bottom of the screen。 This puter; by calculating the current number of hits and multiplying by the percentage of the database left to search; provided a rough guess of how much information would be found。 This particular search looked like it was going to return an obscenely large amount of data。
Estimated number of total hits: 2;692
〃We need to refine the parameters further;〃 Gettum said; stopping the search。 〃Is this all the information you have regarding the tomb? There's nothing else to go on?〃
Langdon glanced at Sophie Neveu; looking uncertain。
This is no scavenger hunt; Gettum sensed。 She had heard the whisperings of Robert Langdon's experience in Rome last year。 This American had been granted access to the most secure library on earth—the Vatican Secret Archives。 She wondered what kinds of secrets Langdon might have learned inside and if his current desperate hunt for a mysterious London tomb might relate to information he had gained within the Vatican。 Gettum had been a librarian long enough to know the most mon reason people came to London to look for knights。 The Grail。
Gettum smiled and adjusted her glasses。 〃You are friends with Leigh Teabing; you are in England; and you are looking for a knight。〃 She folded her hands。 〃I can only assume you are on a Grail quest。〃
Langdon and Sophie exchanged startled looks。
Gettum laughed。 〃My friends; this library is a base camp for Grail seekers。 Leigh Teabing among them。 I wish I had a shilling for every time I'd run searches for the Rose; Mary Magdalene; Sangreal; Merovingian; Priory of Sion; et cetera; et cetera。 Everyone loves a conspiracy。〃 She took off her glasses and eyed them。 〃I need more information。〃
In the silence; Gettum sensed her guests' desire for discretion was quickly being outweighed by their eagerness for a fast result。
〃Here;〃 Sophie Neveu blurted。 〃This is everything we know。〃 Borrowing a pen from Langdon; she wrote two more lines on the slip of paper and handed it to Gettum。
You seek the orb that ought be on his tomb。
It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb。
Gettum gave an inward smile。 The Grail indeed; she thought; noting the references to the Rose and her seeded womb。 〃I can help you;〃 she said; looking up from the slip of paper。 〃Might I ask where this verse came from? And why you are seeking an orb?〃
〃You might ask;〃 Langdon said; with a friendly smile; 〃but it's a long story and we have very little time。〃
〃Sounds like a polite way of saying 'mind your own business。' 〃
〃We would be forever in your debt; Pamela;〃 Langdon said; 〃if you could find out who this knight is and where he is buried。〃
〃Very well;〃 Gettum said; typing again。 〃I'll play along。 If this is a Grail…related issue; we should cross…reference against Grail keywords。 I'll add a proximity parameter and remove the title weighting。 That will limit our hits only to those instances of textual keywords that occur near a Grail…related word。〃
Within 100 word proximity of: GRAIL; ROSE; SANGREAL; CHALICE
〃How long will this take?〃 Sophie asked。
〃A few hundred terabytes with multiple cross…referencing fields?〃 Gettum's eyes glimmered as she clicked the SEARCH key。 〃A mere fifteen minutes。〃
Langdon and Sophie said nothing; but Gettum sensed this sounded like an eternity to them。
〃Tea?〃 Gettum asked; standing and walking toward the pot she had made earlier。 〃Leigh always loves my tea。〃

London's Opus Dei Centre is a modest brick building at 5 Orme Court; overlooking the North Walk at Kensington Gardens。 Silas had never been here; but he felt a rising sense of refuge and asylum as he approached the building on foot。 Despite the rain; Rémy had dropped him off a short distance away in order to keep the limousine off the main streets。 Silas didn't mind the walk。 The rain was cleansing。
At Rémy's suggestion; Silas had wiped down his gun and disposed of it through a sewer grate。 He was glad to get rid of it。 He felt lighter。 His legs still ached from being bound all that time; but Silas had endured far greater pain。 He wondered; though; about Teabing; whom Rémy had left bound in the back of the limousine。 The Briton certainly had to be feeling the pain by now。
〃What will you do with him?〃 Silas had asked Rémy as they drove over here。
Rémy had shrugged。 〃That is a decision for the Teacher。〃 There was an odd finality in his tone。
Now; as Silas approached the Opus Dei building; the rain began to fall harder; soaking his heavy robe; stinging the wounds of the day before。 He was ready to leave behind the sins of the last twenty…four hours and purge his soul。 His work was done。
Moving across a small courtyard to the front door; Silas was not surprised to find the door unlocked。 He opened it and stepped into the minimalist foyer。 A muted electronic chime sounded upstairs as Silas stepped onto the carpet。 The bell was a mon feature in these halls where the residents spent most of the day in their rooms in prayer。 Silas could hear movement above on the creaky wood floors。
A man in a cloak came downstairs。 〃May I help you?〃 He had kind eyes that seemed not even to register Silas's startling physical appearance。
〃Thank you。 My name is Silas。 I am an Opus Dei numerary。〃

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