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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第92章

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; looking for directions to some wedding from the looks of it。 〃I'm sorry;〃 he called out; passing a large pillar; 〃we're closed。〃
A flurry of cloth ruffled behind him; and before the altar boy could turn; his head snapped backward; a powerful hand clamping hard over his mouth from behind; muffling his scream。 The hand over the boy's mouth was snow…white; and he smelled alcohol。
The prim man in the tuxedo calmly produced a very small revolver; which he aimed directly at the boy's forehead。
The altar boy felt his groin grow hot and realized he had wet himself。
〃Listen carefully;〃 the tuxedoed man whispered。 〃You will exit this church silently; and you will run。 You will not stop。 Is that clear?〃
The boy nodded as best he could with the hand over his mouth。
〃If you call the police。。。〃 The tuxedoed man pressed the gun to his skin。 〃I will find you。〃
The next thing the boy knew; he was sprinting across the outside courtyard with no plans of stopping until his legs gave out。

Like a ghost; Silas drifted silently behind his target。 Sophie Neveu sensed him too late。 Before she could turn; Silas pressed the gun barrel into her spine and wrapped a powerful arm across her chest; pulling her back against his hulking body。 She yelled in surprise。 Teabing and Langdon both turned now; their expressions astonished and fearful。
〃What。。。?〃 Teabing choked out。 〃What did you do to Rémy!〃
〃Your only concern;〃 Silas said calmly; 〃is that I leave here with the keystone。〃 This recovery mission; as Rémy had described it; was to be clean and simple: Enter the church; take the keystone; and walk out; no killing; no struggle。
Holding Sophie firm; Silas dropped his hand from her chest; down to her waist; slipping it inside her deep sweater pockets; searching。 He could smell the soft fragrance of her hair through his own alcohol…laced breath。 〃Where is it?〃 he whispered。 The keystone was in her sweater pocket earlier。 So where is it now?
〃It's over here;〃 Langdon's deep voice resonated from across the room。
Silas turned to see Langdon holding the black cryptex before him; waving it back and forth like a matador tempting a dumb animal。
〃Set it down;〃 Silas demanded。
〃Let Sophie and Leigh leave the church;〃 Langdon replied。 〃You and I can settle this。〃
Silas pushed Sophie away from him and aimed the gun at Langdon; moving toward him。
〃Not a step closer;〃 Langdon said。 〃Not until they leave the building。〃
〃You are in no position to make demands。〃
〃I disagree。〃 Langdon raised the cryptex high over his head。 〃I will not hesitate to smash this on the floor and break the vial inside。〃
Although Silas sneered outwardly at the threat; he felt a flash of fear。 This was unexpected。 He aimed the gun at Langdon's head and kept his voice as steady as his hand。 〃You would never break the keystone。 You want to find the Grail as much as I do。〃
〃You're wrong。 You want it much more。 You've proven you're willing to kill for it。〃
Forty feet away; peering out from the annex pews near the archway; Rémy Legaludec felt a rising alarm。 The maneuver had not gone as planned; and even from here; he could see Silas was uncertain how to handle the situation。 At the Teacher's orders; Rémy had forbidden Silas to fire his gun。
〃Let them go;〃 Langdon again demanded; holding the cryptex high over his head and staring into Silas's gun。
The monk's red eyes filled with anger and frustration; and Rémy tightened with fear that Silas might actually shoot Langdon while he was holding the cryptex。 The cryptex cannot fall!
The cryptex was to be Rémy's ticket to freedom and wealth。 A little over a year ago; he was simply a fifty…five…year…old manservant living within the walls of Chateau Villette; catering to the whims of the insufferable cripple Sir Leigh Teabing。 Then he was approached with an extraordinary proposition。 Rémy's association with Sir Leigh Teabing—the preeminent Grail historian on earth—was going to bring Rémy everything he had ever dreamed of in life。 Since then; every moment he had spent inside Chateau Villette had been leading him to this very instant。
I am so close; Rémy told himself; gazing into the sanctuary of the Temple Church and the keystone in Robert Langdon's hand。 If Langdon dropped it; all would be lost。
Am I willing to show my face? It was something the Teacher had strictly forbidden。 Rémy was the only one who knew the Teacher's identity。
〃Are you certain you want Silas to carry out this task?〃 Rémy had asked the Teacher less than half an hour ago; upon getting orders to steal the keystone。 〃I myself am capable。〃
The Teacher was resolute。 〃Silas served us well with the four Priory members。 He will recover the keystone。 You must remain anonymous。 If others see you; they will need to be eliminated; and there has been enough killing already。 Do not reveal your face。〃
My face will change; Rémy thought。 With what you've promised to pay me; I will bee an entirely new man。 Surgery could even change his fingerprints; the Teacher had told him。 Soon he would be free—another unrecognizable; beautiful face soaking up the sun on the beach。 〃Understood;〃 Rémy said。 〃I will assist Silas from the shadows。〃
〃For your own knowledge; Rémy;〃 the Teacher had told him; 〃the tomb in question is not in the Temple Church。 So have no fear。 They are looking in the wrong place。〃
Rémy was stunned。 〃And you know where the tomb is?〃
〃Of course。 Later; I will tell you。 For the moment; you must act quickly。 If the others figure out the true location of the tomb and leave the church before you take the cryptex; we could lose the Grail forever。〃
Rémy didn't give a damn about the Grail; except that the Teacher refused to pay him until it was found。 Rémy felt giddy every time he thought of the money he soon would have。 One third of twenty million euro。 Plenty to disappear forever。 Rémy had pictured the beach towns on the C?te d'Azur; where he planned to live out his days basking in the sun and letting others serve him for a change。
Now; however; here in the Temple Church; with Langdon threatening to break the keystone; Rémy's future was at risk。 Unable to bear the thought of ing this close only to lose it all; Rémy made the decision to take bold action。 The gun in his hand was a concealable; small…caliber; J…frame Medusa; but it would be plenty deadly at close range。
Stepping from the shadows; Rémy marched into the circular chamber and aimed the gun directly at Teabing's head。 〃Old man; I've been waiting a long time to do this。〃
Sir Leigh Teabing's heart practically stalled to see Rémy aiming a gun at him。 What is he doing! Teabing recognized the tiny Medusa revolver as his own; the one he kept locked in the limousine glove box for safety。
〃Rémy?〃 Teabing sputtered in shock。 〃What is going on?〃
Langdon and Sophie looked equally dumbstruck。
Rémy circled behind Teabing and rammed the pistol barrel into his back; high and on the left; directly behind his heart。
Teabing felt his muscles seize with terror。 〃Rémy; I don't—〃
〃I'll make it simple;〃 Rémy snapped; eyeing Langdon over Teabing's shoulder。 〃Set down the keystone; or I pull the trigger。〃
Langdon seemed momentarily paralyzed。 〃The keystone is worthless to you;〃 he s

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