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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第79章

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Of course! Sophie thought。 The famous Hebrew encoding system。
The Atbash Cipher had indeed been part of Sophie's early cryptology training。 The cipher dated back to 500 B。C。 and was now used as a classroom example of a basic rotational substitution scheme。 A mon form of Jewish cryptogram; the Atbash Cipher was a simple substitution code based on the twenty…two…letter Hebrew alphabet。 In Atbash; the first letter was substituted by the last letter; the second letter by the next to last letter; and so on。
〃Atbash is sublimely appropriate;〃 Teabing said。 〃Text encrypted with Atbash is found throughout the Kabbala; the Dead Sea Scrolls; and even the Old Testament。 Jewish scholars and mystics are still finding hidden meanings using Atbash。 The Priory certainly would include the Atbash Cipher as part of their teachings。〃
〃The only problem;〃 Langdon said; 〃is that we don't have anything on which to apply the cipher。〃
Teabing sighed。 〃There must be a code word on the headstone。 We must find this headstone praised by Templars。〃
Sophie sensed from the grim look on Langdon's face that finding the Templar headstone would be no small feat。
Atbash is the key; Sophie thought。 But we don't have a door。
It was three minutes later that Teabing heaved a frustrated sigh and shook his head。 〃My friends; I'm stymied。 Let me ponder this while I get us some nibblies and check on Rémy and our guest。〃 He stood up and headed for the back of the plane。
Sophie felt tired as she watched him go。
Outside the window; the blackness of the predawn was absolute。 Sophie felt as if she were being hurtled through space with no idea where she would land。 Having grown up solving her grandfather's riddles; she had the uneasy sense right now that this poem before them contained information they still had not seen。
There is more there; she told herself。 Ingeniously hidden。。。 but present nonetheless。
Also plaguing her thoughts was a fear that what they eventually found inside this cryptex would not be as simple as 〃a map to the Holy Grail。〃 Despite Teabing's and Langdon's confidence that the truth lay just within the marble cylinder; Sophie had solved enough of her grandfather's treasure hunts to know that Jacques Saunière did not give up his secrets easily。

Bourget Airfield's night shift air traffic controller had been dozing before a blank radar screen when the captain of the Judicial Police practically broke down his door。
〃Teabing's jet;〃 Bezu Fache blared; marching into the small tower; 〃where did it go?〃
The controller's initial response was a babbling; lame attempt to protect the privacy of their British client—one of the airfield's most respected customers。 It failed miserably。
〃Okay;〃 Fache said; 〃I am placing you under arrest for permitting a private plane to take off without registering a flight plan。〃 Fache motioned to another officer; who approached with handcuffs; and the traffic controller felt a surge of terror。 He thought of the newspaper articles debating whether the nation's police captain was a hero or a menace。 That question had just been answered。
〃Wait!〃 the controller heard himself whimper at the sight of the handcuffs。 〃I can tell you this much。 Sir Leigh Teabing makes frequent trips to London for medical treatments。 He has a hangar at Biggin Hill Executive Airport in Kent。 On the outskirts of London。〃
Fache waved off the man with the cuffs。 〃Is Biggin Hill his destination tonight?〃
〃I don't know;〃 the controller said honestly。 〃The plane left on its usual tack; and his last radar contact suggested the United Kingdom。 Biggin Hill is an extremely likely guess。〃
〃Did he have others onboard?〃
〃I swear; sir; there is no way for me to know that。 Our clients can drive directly to their hangars; and load as they please。 Who is onboard is the responsibility of the customs officials at the receiving airport。〃
Fache checked his watch and gazed out at the scattering of jets parked in front of the terminal。 〃If they're going to Biggin Hill; how long until they land?〃
The controller fumbled through his records。 〃It's a short flight。 His plane could be on the ground by。。。 around six…thirty。 Fifteen minutes from now。〃
Fache frowned and turned to one of his men。 〃Get a transport up here。 I'm going to London。 And get me the Kent local police。 Not British MI5。 I want this quiet。 Kent local。 Tell them I want Teabing's plane to be permitted to land。 Then I want it surrounded on the tarmac。 Nobody deplanes until I get there。〃

〃You're quiet;〃 Langdon said; gazing across the Hawker's cabin at Sophie。
〃Just tired;〃 she replied。 〃And the poem。 I don't know。〃
Langdon was feeling the same way。 The hum of the engines and the gentle rocking of the plane were hypnotic; and his head still throbbed where he'd been hit by the monk。 Teabing was still in the back of the plane; and Langdon decided to take advantage of the moment alone with Sophie to tell her something that had been on his mind。 〃I think I know part of the reason why your grandfather conspired to put us together。 I think there's something he wanted me to explain to you。〃
〃The history of the Holy Grail and Mary Magdalene isn't enough?〃
Langdon felt uncertain how to proceed。 〃The rift between you。 The reason you haven't spoken to him in ten years。 I think maybe he was hoping I could somehow make that right by explaining what drove you apart。〃
Sophie squirmed in her seat。 〃I haven't told you what drove us apart。〃
Langdon eyed her carefully。 〃You witnessed a sex rite。 Didn't you?〃
Sophie recoiled。 〃How do you know that?〃
〃Sophie; you told me you witnessed something that convinced you your grandfather was in a secret society。 And whatever you saw upset you enough that you haven't spoken to him since。 I know a fair amount about secret societies。 It doesn't take the brains of Da Vinci to guess what you saw。〃
Sophie stared。
〃Was it in the spring?〃 Langdon asked。 〃Sometime around the equinox? Mid…March?〃
Sophie looked out the window。 〃I was on spring break from university。 I came home a few days early。〃
〃You want to tell me about it?〃
〃I'd rather not。〃 She turned suddenly back to Langdon; her eyes welling with emotion。 〃I don't know what I saw。〃
〃Were both men and women present?〃
After a beat; she nodded。
〃Dressed in white and black?〃
She wiped her eyes and then nodded; seeming to open up a little。 〃The women were in white gossamer gowns。。。 with golden shoes。 They held golden orbs。 The men wore black tunics and black shoes。〃
Langdon strained to hide his emotion; and yet he could not believe what he was hearing。 Sophie Neveu had unwittingly witnessed a two…thousand…year…old sacred ceremony。 〃Masks?〃 he asked; keeping his voice calm。 〃Androgynous masks?〃
〃Yes。 Everyone。 Identical masks。 White on the women。 Black on the men。〃
Langdon had read descriptions of this ceremony and understood its mystic roots。 〃It's called Hieros Gamos;〃 he said softly。 〃It dates back more than two thousand years。 Egyptian priests and priestesses performed it regularly to celebrate the reproductive power of the female;〃 He paused; leaning toward her。 〃And if you witnessed Hieros Gamos without being properly prepared to understand its meaning; I imagine it would be pretty shoc

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