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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第69章

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Teabing's jaw fell。 〃And you think they were。。。〃
〃The sénéchaux;〃 Langdon said。
〃But how? A murderer could not possibly learn the identities of all four top members of the Priory of Sion! Look at me; I have been researching them for decades; and I can't even name one Priory member。 It seems inconceivable that all three sénéchaux and the Grand Master could be discovered and killed in one day。〃
〃I doubt the information was gathered in a single day;〃 Sophie said。 〃It sounds like a well…planned décapiter。 It's a technique we use to fight organized crime syndicates。 If DCPJ wants to move on a certain group; they will silently listen and watch for months; identify all the main players; and then move in and take them all at the same moment。 Decapitation。 With no leadership; the group falls into chaos and divulges other information。 It's possible someone patiently watched the Priory and then attacked; hoping the top people would reveal the location of the keystone。〃
Teabing looked unconvinced。 〃But the brothers would never talk。 They are sworn to secrecy。 Even in the face of death。〃
〃Exactly;〃 Langdon said。 〃Meaning; if they never divulged the secret; and they were killed。。。〃
Teabing gasped。 〃Then the location of the keystone would be lost forever!〃
〃And with it;〃 Langdon said; 〃the location of the Holy Grail。〃
Teabing's body seemed to sway with the weight of Langdon's words。 Then; as if too tired to stand another moment; he flopped in a chair and stared out the window。
Sophie walked over; her voice soft。 〃Considering my grandfather's predicament; it seems possible that in total desperation he tried to pass the secret on to someone outside the brotherhood。 Someone he thought he could trust。 Someone in his family。〃
Teabing was pale。 〃But someone capable of such an attack。。。 of discovering so much about the brotherhood。。。〃 He paused; radiating a new fear。 〃It could only be one force。 This kind of infiltration could only have e from the Priory's oldest enemy。〃
Langdon glanced up。 〃The Church。〃
〃Who else? Rome has been seeking the Grail for centuries。〃
Sophie was skeptical。 〃You think the Church killed my grandfather?〃
Teabing replied; 〃It would not be the first time in history the Church has killed to protect itself。 The documents that acpany the Holy Grail are explosive; and the Church has wanted to destroy them for years。〃
Langdon was having trouble buying Teabing's premise that the Church would blatantly murder people to obtain these documents。 Having met the new Pope and many of the cardinals; Langdon knew they were deeply spiritual men who would never condone assassination。 Regardless of the stakes。
Sophie seemed to be having similar thoughts。 〃Isn't it possible that these Priory members were murdered by someone outside the Church? Someone who didn't understand what the Grail really is? The Cup of Christ; after all; would be quite an enticing treasure。 Certainly treasure hunters have killed for less。〃
〃In my experience;〃 Teabing said; 〃men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire。 I sense a desperation in this assault on the Priory。〃
〃Leigh;〃 Langdon said; 〃the argument is paradoxical。 Why would members of the Catholic clergy murder Priory members in an effort to find and destroy documents they believe are false testimony anyway?〃
Teabing chuckled。 〃The ivory towers of Harvard have made you soft; Robert。 Yes; the clergy in Rome are blessed with potent faith; and because of this; their beliefs can weather any storm; including documents that contradict everything they hold dear。 But what about the rest of the world? What about those who are not blessed with absolute certainty? What about those who look at the cruelty in the world and say; where is God today? Those who look at Church scandals and ask; who are these men who claim to speak the truth about Christ and yet lie to cover up the sexual abuse of children by their own priests?〃 Teabing paused。 〃What happens to those people; Robert; if persuasive scientific evidence es out that the Church's version of the Christ story is inaccurate; and that the greatest story ever told is; in fact; the greatest story ever sold〃
Langdon did not respond。
〃I'll tell you what happens if the documents get out;〃 Teabing said。 〃The Vatican faces a crisis of faith unprecedented in its two…millennia history。〃
After a long silence; Sophie said; 〃But if it is the Church who is responsible for this attack; why would they act now? After all these years? The Priory keeps the Sangreal documents hidden。 They pose no immediate threat to the Church。〃
Teabing heaved an ominous sigh and glanced at Langdon。 〃Robert; I assume you are familiar with the Priory's final charge?〃
Langdon felt his breath catch at the thought。 〃I am。〃
〃Miss Neveu;〃 Teabing said; 〃the Church and the Priory have had a tacit understanding for years。 That is; the Church does not attack the Priory; and the Priory keeps the Sangreal documents hidden。〃 He paused。 〃However; part of the Priory history has always included a plan to unveil the secret。 With the arrival of a specific date in history; the brotherhood plans to break the silence and carry out its ultimate triumph by unveiling the Sangreal documents to the world and shouting the true story of Jesus Christ from the mountaintops。〃
Sophie stared at Teabing in silence。 Finally; she too sat down。 〃And you think that date is approaching? And the Church knows it?〃
〃A speculation;〃 Teabing said; 〃but it would certainly provide the Church motivation for an all…out attack to find the documents before it was too late。〃
Langdon had the uneasy feeling that Teabing was making good sense。 〃Do you think the Church would actually be capable of uncovering hard evidence of the Priory's date?〃
〃Why not—if we're assuming the Church was able to uncover the identities of the Priory members; then certainly they could have learned of their plans。 And even if they don't have the exact date; their superstitions may be getting the best of them。〃
〃Superstitions?〃 Sophie asked。
〃In terms of prophecy;〃 Teabing said; 〃we are currently in an epoch of enormous change。 The millennium has recently passed; and with it has ended the two…thousand…year…long astrological Age of Pisces—the fish; which is also the sign of Jesus。 As any astrological symbologist will tell you; the Piscean ideal believes that man must be told what to do by higher powers because man is incapable of thinking for himself。 Hence it has been a time of fervent religion。 Now; however; we are entering the Age of Aquarius—the water bearer—whose ideals claim that man will learn the truth and be able to think for himself。 The ideological shift is enormous; and it is occurring right now。〃
Langdon felt a shiver。 Astrological prophecy never held much interest or credibility for him; but he knew there were those in the Church who followed it very closely。 〃The Church calls this transitional period the End of Days。〃
Sophie looked skeptical。 〃As in the end of the world? The Apocalypse?〃
〃No。〃 Langdon replied。 〃That's a mon misconception。 Many religions speak of the End of Days。 It refers not to the end of the world; but rather the end of our current age—Pisces; which began at the time of C

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