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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第68章

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fe; Disney had been hailed as 〃the Modern…Day Leonardo da Vinci。〃 Both men were generations ahead of their times; uniquely gifted artists; members of secret societies; and; most notably; avid pranksters。 Like Leonardo; Walt Disney loved infusing hidden messages and symbolism in his art。 For the trained symbologist; watching an early Disney movie was like being barraged by an avalanche of allusion and metaphor。
Most of Disney's hidden messages dealt with religion; pagan myth; and stories of the subjugated goddess。 It was no mistake that Disney retold tales like Cinderella; Sleeping Beauty; and Snow White—all of which dealt with the incarceration of the sacred feminine。 Nor did one need a background in symbolism to understand that Snow White—a princess who fell from grace after partaking of a poisoned apple—was a clear allusion to the downfall of Eve in the Garden of Eden。 Or that Sleeping Beauty's Princess Aurora—code…named 〃Rose〃 and hidden deep in the forest to protect her from the clutches of the evil witch—was the Grail story for children。
Despite its corporate image; Disney still had a savvy; playful element among its employees; and their artists still amused themselves by inserting hidden symbolism in Disney products。 Langdon would never forget one of his students bringing in a DVD of The Lion King and pausing the film to reveal a freeze…frame in which the word SEX was clearly visible; spelled out by floating dust particles over Simba's head。 Although Langdon suspected this was more of a cartoonist's sophomoric prank than any kind of enlightened allusion to pagan human sexuality; he had learned not to underestimate Disney's grasp of symbolism。 The Little Mermaid was a spellbinding tapestry of spiritual symbols so specifically goddess…related that they could not be coincidence。
When Langdon had first seen The Little Mermaid; he had actually gasped aloud when he noticed that the painting in Ariel's underwater home was none other than seventeenth…century artist Georges de la Tour's The Penitent Magdalene—a famous homage to the banished Mary Magdalene—fitting decor considering the movie turned out to be a ninety…minute collage of blatant symbolic references to the lost sanctity of Isis; Eve; Pisces the fish goddess; and; repeatedly; Mary Magdalene。 The Little Mermaid's name; Ariel; possessed powerful ties to the sacred feminine and; in the Book of Isaiah; was synonymous with 〃the Holy City besieged。〃 Of course; the Little Mermaid's flowing red hair was certainly no coincidence either。
The clicking of Teabing's crutches approached in the hallway; his pace unusually brisk。 When their host entered the study; his expression was stern。
〃You'd better explain yourself; Robert;〃 he said coldly。 〃You have not been honest with me。〃

〃I'm being framed; Leigh;〃 Langdon said; trying to stay calm。 You know me。 I wouldn't kill anyone。
Teabing's tone did not soften。 〃Robert; you're on television; for Christ's sake。 Did you know you were wanted by the authorities?〃
〃Then you abused my trust。 I'm astonished you would put me at risk by ing here and asking me to ramble on about the Grail so you could hide out in my home。〃
〃I didn't kill anyone。〃
〃Jacques Saunière is dead; and the police say you did it。〃 Teabing looked saddened。 〃Such a contributor to the arts。。。〃
〃Sir?〃 The manservant had appeared now; standing behind Teabing in the study doorway; his arms crossed。 〃Shall I show them out?〃
〃Allow me。〃 Teabing hobbled across the study; unlocked a set of wide glass doors; and swung them open onto a side lawn。 〃Please find your car; and leave。〃
Sophie did not move。 〃We have information about the clef de vo?te。 The Priory keystone。〃
Teabing stared at her for several seconds and scoffed derisively。 〃A desperate ploy。 Robert knows how I've sought it。〃
〃She's telling the truth;〃 Langdon said。 〃That's why we came to you tonight。 To talk to you about the keystone。〃
The manservant intervened now。 〃Leave; or I shall call the authorities。〃
〃Leigh;〃 Langdon whispered; 〃we know where it is。〃
Teabing's balance seemed to falter a bit。
Rémy now marched stiffly across the room。 〃Leave at once! Or I will forcibly—〃
〃Rémy!〃 Teabing spun; snapping at his servant。 〃Excuse us for a moment。〃
The servant's jaw dropped。 〃Sir? I must protest。 These people are—〃
〃I'll handle this。〃 Teabing pointed to the hallway。
After a moment of stunned silence; Rémy skulked out like a banished dog。
In the cool night breeze ing through the open doors; Teabing turned back to Sophie and Langdon; his expression still wary。 〃This better be good。 What do you know of the keystone?〃
In the thick brush outside Teabing's study; Silas clutched his pistol and gazed through the glass doors。 Only moments ago; he had circled the house and seen Langdon and the woman talking in the large study。 Before he could move in; a man on crutches entered; yelled at Langdon; threw open the doors; and demanded his guests leave。 Then the woman mentioned the keystone; and everything changed。 Shouts turned to whispers。 Moods softened。 And the glass doors were quickly closed。
Now; as he huddled in the shadows; Silas peered through the glass。 The keystone is somewhere inside the house。 Silas could feel it。
Staying in the shadows; he inched closer to the glass; eager to hear what was being said。 He would give them five minutes。 If they did not reveal where they had placed the keystone; Silas would have to enter and persuade them with force。
Inside the study; Langdon could sense their host's bewilderment。
〃Grand Master?〃 Teabing choked; eyeing Sophie。 〃Jacques Saunière?〃
Sophie nodded; seeing the shock in his eyes。
〃But you could not possibly know that!〃
〃Jacques Saunière was my grandfather。〃
Teabing staggered back on his crutches; shooting a glance at Langdon; who nodded。 Teabing turned back to Sophie。 〃Miss Neveu; I am speechless。 If this is true; then I am truly sorry for your loss。 I should admit; for my research; I have kept lists of men in Paris whom I thought might be good candidates for involvement in the Priory。 Jacques Saunière was on that list along with many others。 But Grand Master; you say? It's hard to fathom。〃 Teabing was silent a moment and then shook his head。 〃But it still makes no sense。 Even if your grandfather were the Priory Grand Master and created the keystone himself; he would never tell you how to find it。 The keystone reveals the pathway to the brotherhood's ultimate treasure。 Granddaughter or not; you are not eligible to receive such knowledge。〃
〃Mr。 Saunière was dying when he passed on the information;〃 Langdon said。 〃He had limited options。〃
〃He didn't need options;〃 Teabing argued。 〃There exist three sénéchaux who also know the secret。 That is the beauty of their system。 One will rise to Grand Master and they will induct a new sénéchal and share the secret of the keystone。〃
〃I guess you didn't see the entire news broadcast;〃 Sophie said。 〃In addition to my grandfather; three other prominent Parisians were murdered today。 All in similar ways。 All looked like they had been interrogated。〃
Teabing's jaw fell。 〃And you think they were。。。〃
〃The sénéchaux;〃 Langdon said。
〃But how? A murderer could not possibly 

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