达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第6章
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Strike one。 Langdon sensed his host was a hard man to please。 He wondered if Fache had any idea that this pyramid; at President Mitterrand's explicit demand; had been constructed of exactly 666 panes of glass—a bizarre request that had always been a hot topic among conspiracy buffs who claimed 666 was the number of Satan。
Langdon decided not to bring it up。
As they dropped farther into the subterranean foyer; the yawning space slowly emerged from the shadows。 Built fifty…seven feet beneath ground level; the Louvre's newly constructed 70;000…square…foot lobby spread out like an endless grotto。 Constructed in warm ocher marble to be patible with the honey…colored stone of the Louvre facade above; the subterranean hall was usually vibrant with sunlight and tourists。 Tonight; however; the lobby was barren and dark; giving the entire space a cold and crypt…like atmosphere。
〃And the museum's regular security staff?〃 Langdon asked。
〃En quarantaine;〃 Fache replied; sounding as if Langdon were questioning the integrity of Fache's team。 〃Obviously; someone gained entry tonight who should not have。 All Louvre night wardens are in the Sully Wing being questioned。 My own agents have taken over museum security for the evening。〃
Langdon nodded; moving quickly to keep pace with Fache。
〃How well did you know Jacques Saunière?〃 the captain asked。
〃Actually; not at all。 We'd never met。〃
Fache looked surprised。 〃Your first meeting was to be tonight?〃
〃Yes。 We'd planned to meet at the American University reception following my lecture; but he never showed up。〃
Fache scribbled some notes in a little book。 As they walked; Langdon caught a glimpse of the Louvre's lesser…known pyramid—La Pyramide Inversée—a huge inverted skylight that hung from the ceiling like a stalactite in an adjoining section of the entresol。 Fache guided Langdon up a short set of stairs to the mouth of an arched tunnel; over which a sign read: DENON。 The Denon Wing was the most famous of the Louvre's three main sections。
〃Who requested tonight's meeting?〃 Fache asked suddenly。 〃You or he?〃
The question seemed odd。 〃Mr。 Saunière did;〃 Langdon replied as they entered the tunnel。 〃His secretary contacted me a few weeks ago via e…mail。 She said the curator had heard I would be lecturing in Paris this month and wanted to discuss something with me while I was here。〃
〃Discuss what?〃
〃I don't know。 Art; I imagine。 We share similar interests。〃
Fache looked skeptical。 〃You have no idea what your meeting was about?〃
Langdon did not。 He'd been curious at the time but had not felt fortable demanding specifics。 The venerated Jacques Saunière had a renowned penchant for privacy and granted very few meetings; Langdon was grateful simply for the opportunity to meet him。
〃Mr。 Langdon; can you at least guess what our murder victim might have wanted to discuss with you on the night he was killed? It might be helpful。〃
The pointedness of the question made Langdon unfortable。 〃I really can't imagine。 I didn't ask。 I felt honored to have been contacted at all。 I'm an admirer of Mr。 Saunière's work。 I use his texts often in my classes。〃
Fache made note of that fact in his book。
The two men were now halfway up the Denon Wing's entry tunnel; and Langdon could see the twin ascending escalators at the far end; both motionless。
〃So you shared interests with him?〃 Fache asked。
〃Yes。 In fact; I've spent much of the last year writing the draft for a book that deals with Mr。 Saunière's primary area of expertise。 I was looking forward to picking his brain。〃
Fache glanced up。 〃Pardon?〃
The idiom apparently didn't translate。 〃I was looking forward to learning his thoughts on the topic。〃
〃I see。 And what is the topic?〃
Langdon hesitated; uncertain exactly how to put it。 〃Essentially; the manuscript is about the iconography of goddess worship—the concept of female sanctity and the art and symbols associated with it。〃
Fache ran a meaty hand across his hair。 〃And Saunière was knowledgeable about this?〃
〃Nobody more so。〃
〃I see。〃
Langdon sensed Fache did not see at all。 Jacques Saunière was considered the premiere goddess iconographer on earth。 Not only did Saunière have a personal passion for relics relating to fertility; goddess cults; Wicca; and the sacred feminine; but during his twenty…year tenure as curator; Saunière had helped the Louvre amass the largest collection of goddess art on earth—labrys axes from the priestesses' oldest Greek shrine in Delphi; gold caducei wands; hundreds of Tjet ankhs resembling small standing angels; sistrum rattles used in ancient Egypt to dispel evil spirits; and an astonishing array of statues depicting Horus being nursed by the goddess Isis。
〃Perhaps Jacques Saunière knew of your manuscript?〃 Fache offered。 〃And he called the meeting to offer his help on your book。〃
Langdon shook his head。 〃Actually; nobody yet knows about my manuscript。 It's still in draft form; and I haven't shown it to anyone except my editor。〃
Fache fell silent。
Langdon did not add the reason he hadn't yet shown the manuscript to anyone else。 The three…hundred…page draft—tentatively titled Symbols of the Lost Sacred Feminine—proposed some very unconventional interpretations of established religious iconography which would certainly be controversial。
Now; as Langdon approached the stationary escalators; he paused; realizing Fache was no longer beside him。 Turning; Langdon saw Fache standing several yards back at a service elevator。
〃We'll take the elevator;〃 Fache said as the lift doors opened。 〃As I'm sure you're aware; the gallery is quite a distance on foot。〃
Although Langdon knew the elevator would expedite the long; two…story climb to the Denon Wing; he remained motionless。
〃Is something wrong?〃 Fache was holding the door; looking impatient。
Langdon exhaled; turning a longing glance back up the open…air escalator。 Nothing's wrong at all; he lied to himself; trudging back toward the elevator。 As a boy; Langdon had fallen down an abandoned well shaft and almost died treading water in the narrow space for hours before being rescued。 Since then; he'd suffered a haunting phobia of enclosed spaces—elevators; subways; squash courts。 The elevator is a perfectly safe machine; Langdon continually told himself; never believing it。 It's a tiny metal box hanging in an enclosed shaft! Holding his breath; he stepped into the lift; feeling the familiar tingle of adrenaline as the doors slid shut。 Two floors。 Ten seconds。
〃You and Mr。 Saunière;〃 Fache said as the lift began to move; 〃you never spoke at all? Never corresponded? Never sent each other anything in the mail?〃
Another odd question。 Langdon shook his head。 〃No。 Never。〃 Fache cocked his head; as if making a mental note of that fact。 Saying nothing; he stared dead ahead at the chrome doors。
As they ascended; Langdon tried to focus on anything other than the four walls around him。 In the reflection of the shiny elevator door; he saw the captain's tie clip—a silver crucifix with thirteen embedded pieces of black onyx。 Langdon found it vaguely surprising。 The symbol was known as a crux gemmata—a cross bearing thirteen gems—a Christian ideogram for Christ and His twelve apostles。 Somehow Langdon had not expe