达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第27章
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Sophie stamped her foot。 〃I told you I don't like secrets!〃
〃Princess;〃 he smiled。 〃Life is filled with secrets。 You can't learn them all at once。〃
〃I'm going back up;〃 Sophie declared; her voice hollow in the stairwell。
〃To the Mona Lisa?〃 Langdon recoiled。 〃Now?〃
Sophie considered the risk。 〃I'm not a murder suspect。 I'll take my chances。 I need to understand what my grandfather was trying to tell me。〃
〃What about the embassy?〃
Sophie felt guilty turning Langdon into a fugitive only to abandon him; but she saw no other option。 She pointed down the stairs to a metal door。 〃Go through that door; and follow the illuminated exit signs。 My grandfather used to bring me down here。 The signs will lead you to a security turnstile。 It's monodirectional and opens out。〃 She handed Langdon her car keys。 〃Mine is the red SmartCar in the employee lot。 Directly outside this bulkhead。 Do you know how to get to the embassy?〃
Langdon nodded; eyeing the keys in his hand。
〃Listen;〃 Sophie said; her voice softening。 〃I think my grandfather may have left me a message at the Mona Lisa—some kind of clue as to who killed him。 Or why I'm in danger。〃 Or what happened to my family。 〃I have to go see。〃
〃But if he wanted to tell you why you were in danger; why wouldn't he simply write it on the floor where he died? Why this plicated word game?〃
〃Whatever my grandfather was trying to tell me; I don't think he wanted anyone else to hear it。 Not even the police。〃 Clearly; her grandfather had done everything in his power to send a confidential transmission directly to her。 He had written it in code; included her secret initials; and told her to find Robert Langdon—a wise mand; considering the American symbologist had deciphered his code。 〃As strange as it may sound;〃 Sophie said; 〃I think he wants me to get to the Mona Lisa before anyone else does。〃
〃I'll e。〃
〃No! We don't know how long the Grand Gallery will stay empty。 You have to go。〃
Langdon seemed hesitant; as if his own academic curiosity were threatening to override sound judgment and drag him back into Fache's hands。
〃Go。 Now。〃 Sophie gave him a grateful smile。 〃I'll see you at the embassy; Mr。 Langdon。〃
Langdon looked displeased。 〃I'll meet you there on one condition;〃 he replied; his voice stern。
She paused; startled。 〃What's that?〃
〃That you stop calling me Mr。 Langdon。〃
Sophie detected the faint hint of a lopsided grin growing across Langdon's face; and she felt herself smile back。 〃Good luck; Robert。〃
When Langdon reached the landing at the bottom of the stairs; the unmistakable smell of linseed oil and plaster dust assaulted his nostrils。 Ahead; an illuminated SORTIE/EXIT displayed an arrow pointing down a long corridor。
Langdon stepped into the hallway。
To the right gaped a murky restoration studio out of which peered an army of statues in various states of repair。 To the left; Langdon saw a suite of studios that resembled Harvard art classrooms—rows of easels; paintings; palettes; framing tools—an art assembly line。
As he moved down the hallway; Langdon wondered if at any moment he might awake with a start in his bed in Cambridge。 The entire evening had felt like a bizarre dream。 I'm about to dash out of the Louvre。。。 a fugitive。
Saunière's clever anagrammatic message was still on his mind; and Langdon wondered what Sophie would find at the Mona Lisa。。。 if anything。 She had seemed certain her grandfather meant for her to visit the famous painting one more time。 As plausible an interpretation as this seemed; Langdon felt haunted now by a troubling paradox。
P。S。 Find Robert Langdon。
Saunière had written Langdon's name on the floor; manding Sophie to find him。 But why? Merely so Langdon could help her break an anagram?
It seemed quite unlikely。
After all; Saunière had no reason to think Langdon was especially skilled at anagrams。 We've never even met。 More important; Sophie had stated flat out that she should have broken the anagram on her own。 It had been Sophie who spotted the Fibonacci sequence; and; no doubt; Sophie who; if given a little more time; would have deciphered the message with no help from Langdon。
Sophie was supposed to break that anagram on her own。 Langdon was suddenly feeling more certain about this; and yet the conclusion left an obvious gaping lapse in the logic of Saunière's actions。
Why me? Langdon wondered; heading down the hall。 Why was Saunière's dying wish that his estranged granddaughter find me? What is it that Saunière thinks I know?
With an unexpected jolt; Langdon stopped short。 Eyes wide; he dug in his pocket and yanked out the puter printout。 He stared at the last line of Saunière's message。
P。S。 Find Robert Langdon。
He fixated on two letters。
In that instant; Langdon felt Saunière's puzzling mix of symbolism fall into stark focus。 Like a peal of thunder; a career's worth of symbology and history came crashing down around him。 Everything Jacques Saunière had done tonight suddenly made perfect sense。
Langdon's thoughts raced as he tried to assemble the implications of what this all meant。 Wheeling; he stared back in the direction from which he had e。
Is there time?
He knew it didn't matter。
Without hesitation; Langdon broke into a sprint back toward the stairs。
Kneeling in the first pew; Silas pretended to pray as he scanned the layout of the sanctuary。 Saint…Sulpice; like most churches; had been built in the shape of a giant Roman cross。 Its long central section—the nave—led directly to the main altar; where it was transversely intersected by a shorter section; known as the transept。 The intersection of nave and transept occurred directly beneath the main cupola and was considered the heart of the church。。。 her most sacred and mystical point。
Not tonight; Silas thought。 Saint…Sulpice hides her secrets elsewhere。
Turning his head to the right; he gazed into the south transept; toward the open area of floor beyond the end of the pews; to the object his victims had described。
There it is。
Embedded in the gray granite floor; a thin polished strip of brass glistened in the stone。。。 a golden line slanting across the church's floor。 The line bore graduated markings; like a ruler。 It was a gnomon; Silas had been told; a pagan astronomical device like a sundial。 Tourists; scientists; historians; and pagans from around the world came to Saint…Sulpice to gaze upon this famous line。
The Rose Line。
Slowly; Silas let his eyes trace the path of the brass strip as it made its way across the floor from his right to left; slanting in front of him at an awkward angle; entirely at odds with the symmetry of the church。 Slicing across the main altar itself; the line looked to Silas like a slash wound across a beautiful face。 The strip cleaved the munion rail in two and then crossed the entire width of the church; finally reaching the corner of the north transept; where it arrived at the base of a most unexpected structure。
A colossal Egyptian obelisk。
Here; the glistening Rose Line took a ninety…degree vertical turn and continued directly up the face of the obelisk itself; ascending thirty…three feet to the very tip of the pyramidical apex; where it finally ceased。
The Rose Line; Silas thought。 The