war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第31章
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iven up; so neither should we。 But in the meantime; we have to rely upon ourselves。 And upon other forms of magic。〃
She turned to Nauzhror and asked; 〃Do you know the spell that will transform stone to flesh?〃
〃I do; Matron Mother;〃 he answered; 〃but if we transform it to flesh; the statue will bee a living spider。 The problem remains。 We just can't。 。 。 kill it。〃
〃Quite so;〃 Triel said。 As she spoke; she unfastened one of the wand cases hanging from her belt。 〃But by the time we're finished; it won't be a spider。〃 She drew out a slender iron wand; tipped with a chunk of amber whose depths held the remains of a desiccated moth。 〃As soon as you cast your spell; I'll polymorph it into something else…something large and dangerous enough to have torn a hole through our ranks。 Something our troops won't have any problem attacking。〃
Nauzhror smiled and said; 〃A deceitful plan; Matron Mother。 One worthy of Lolth herself。〃
Glancing down; Triel saw that the spider had nearly reached the temple。
〃Quit fawning;〃 she ordered。 〃Teleport us down there at once。〃
Nauzhror spoke the words of his spell; and an instant later the balcony seemed to lurch sideways as he and Triel squeezed between the dimensions。 In the blink of an eye they were standing in front of the doors to the great temple。 Two dozen House guards who had been milling about uncertainly a moment before gasped as their matron mother suddenly appeared before them。 Some bowed; and others glanced between Triel and the jade spider that was rapidly approaching; its stone legs click…clicking as it scurried across the Nauzhror; his face paling to gray as the enormous stone spider rapidly closed the gap; began chanting a spell。 He pointed a finger; from which an intense; narrow beam or red light sprang; but the trembling or his hand made the beam waver; causing it to miss the spider by several paces。
Triel grabbed Nauzhror's hand; steadying it。 The beam connected…and jade became flesh。 Triel activated her wand。
The spider shifted into the form she held in her mind; a two…legged creature with powerful muscles; enormous claws and mandibles; and a rounded; insectoid head。 Its body was covered in chitinous plates; and feelers sprouted from cracks near its head where the sections met。 Startled by its sudden transformation; the creature stumbled to a halt; feelers waving frantically as its mandibles clacked shut。
〃Matron Mother;〃 Nauzhror gasped。 〃An umber hulk?〃
〃Convincing; isn't it?〃 Triel said with a wry smile。 She turned to the dozen or so soldiers who stood gaping nearby and ordered; 〃Soldiers of House Baenre; you have been fooled by an illusion。 Defend me!〃
To a man; the soldiers leaped forward; swords in hand。 The transformed statue fought back; its mandibles tearing one soldier in half and neatly scissoring the head off another。 Then a lieutenant of the House guard…a small male with white hair plaited in two braids that were tucked behind his pointed ears…leaped directly into the path of the umber hulk。 He wore no armor; and his only weapon was a small crossbow strapped to his left wrist。 He aimed deliberately as the umber hulk staggered toward him…still uncertain of its footing with only two legs; instead of eight…and he fired。
The bolt struck the umber hulk in the throat; in a spot where two of its armor plates met。 It buried itself to the fletching in soft flesh…then exploded with magical energy。 Sparks raced in brilliant streaks across the umber hulk's body; then shot up its feelers; sizzling them like burned hair。 The umber hulk faltered; then fell。
The lieutenant…whom Triel belatedly recognized as one of her nephews; a male named Vrellin…dropped to one knee in front of her。
〃Matron Mother;〃 he said; never once lifting his eyes。 〃I failed to recognize the threat。 My life is yours;〃
Closing his eyes; he raised his head; baring his exposed neck。
Triel laughed。
The noise startled Vrellin。 Uncertain; he looked up…but not quite into Triel's eyes。 Vrellin was a male who knew his place。
〃Matron Mother; do you mock me?〃 he asked in a strained voice。 〃Is my life worth so little you deem it not worth taking?〃
Triel spread her fingers and brushed them across the lieutenant's head…a touch as light as a spiderweb。
〃For what you have done; lieutenant; the goddess will reward you…in this life; or the next。〃
As she spoke; she wondered if that was true。 Then something caught her eye in the distance; on the opposite side of the great cavern: streaks of dull red light; arcing up into the air and down again。 They seemed to be ing from the rear of the Tier Breche cavern; from somewhere between and behind Sorcere and Arach…Tinilith。
She swore softly as she realized their point of origin…the tunnel that gave access to Tier Breche from outside Menzoberranzan…and what the source of the light must have been: pots of magical fire; capable of burning even stone; like those that had destroyed Ched Nasad。
Stonefire bombs。
Menzoberranzan was under attack on a second front。 And; judging by the pinpoints of fire blossoming on the buildings in the distant cavern; the stonefire bombs were being used to good effect against Menzoberranzan's three most cherished institutions: Sorcere; Melee…Magthere…and Arach…Tinilith; the most holy of the temples to Lolth。
Tearing her eyes away; Triel glanced down at the base of the Qu'ellarz'orl plateau。 The drow had finally beaten the tanarukks back into the tunnels。 All that was visible of the conflict were a few scattered corpses。
〃Abyss take them;〃 Triel swore under her breath。 〃It was just a feint。〃
Aliisza lounged on one of the plush carpets that had been thrown down on the floor of the cavern and sipped her glass of lacefungus wine。 Kaanyr had been pacing back and forth across the cavern that served as his quarters in the field。 He paused next to his 〃throne〃…an enormous chair that had been lashed together from the bones of his enemies; a hideous piece of furniture he'd insisted on carrying with him on campaign。 Snarling; he kicked over the enormous brazier that stood next to it。
〃Abyss take Nimor!〃 he shouted; his skin blazing with radiant heat。 〃He promised the drow would be in disarray; unable to mount a coherent defense。 Now my army sits stalled and impotent; while the duergar claim all the glory。〃
Glowing red coals scattered across the rugs; which began smoldering。 Aliisza picked up one of the coals and juggled it back and forth across her palm。 Its heat tickled her skin。
〃So why not march your troops north and join the duergar attack?〃 she suggested; her black wings framing the question with a shrug。
〃And give the drow an opportunity to attack us from the rear; and in territory they know well?〃 Vhok shook his head and added; 〃Your grasp of tactics…or lack thereof…astounds me。 Sometimes I wonder just whose side you're on; Aliisza。〃
Setting her glass aside; Aliisza rose to her feet。 She stood on tiptoe and locked her hands behind Kaanyr Vhok's head。 Drawing his mouth down to hers; she kissed him。
〃I'm on your side; darling Kaanyr;〃 s