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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第30章

小说: war of the spider queen 4 extinction 字数: 每页3000字

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   Triel; flanked by her House wizard and the priestess currently serving as her personal attendant; stood on the balcony that encircled the Great Mound at the point where stalagmite and stalactite met。 From far below; at the base of the Qu'ellarz'orl plateau; came the clash of troops in battle。 A band of tanarukks had somehow slipped past the troops she'd ordered into the tunnels and had reached the mushroom forest。 The wide caps of the mushrooms prevented Triel from seeing much; but every now and then one of the puffballs would explode as a sword or axe struck it; filling the air with a cloud of luminescent blue spores。
   Among the batants; Triel could pick out the silver uniforms of her own troops。 The House Baenre pany under Andzrel; together with a pany from House Barrison Del'Armgo; were fighting a containing action; preventing the tanarukks from advancing farther into the main cavern。 As the foot soldiers repeatedly charged the tanarukks; trying to drive them back through the fence; two squadrons of House Baenre's mounted troops made an assault on the enemy flanks; their lizards scurrying along the walls。
   The enemy was gradually forced back against the wall of the great cavern。 But just when Triel was certain they would either be shoved back into the tunnel like a cork into a bottle or smashed flat where they stood; the tanarukks closest to the tunnel mouth parted。 Triel strained forward; expecting to see a tanarukk general stride through the gap in their ranks; but what emerged instead from the tunnel mouth made her chuckle。
   It was a jade spider。 Three times the height of a drow; the magical construct was one of those that guarded each of the entrances to Menzoberranzan。 Made from magically treated jade; it moved with fluid grace。 It was as captivating in its beauty as it was deadly。
   〃Now we'll see some fun;〃 said the plump wizard standing next to Triel。
   Triel acknowledged him with a curt nod。 She didn't much care for Nauzhror; her first cousin once removed。 He had only been promoted to the position of Archmage of Menzoberranzan because Gromph was missing; but he wore the archmage's robes with a stuck…up snobbishness; as if he'd earned them。 Triel instead directed her ment to Wilara; the priestess who stood on her left。
   〃The spiders will put the fear of Lolth into them;〃 she chuckled。
   Wilara laughed politely along with her mistress。 Her laughter ended abruptly a moment later; however; when the jade spider; instead of attacking the tanarukks; strode through the gap they'd created in their ranks。
   〃What in the Spider Queen's name。 。 。 。〃 the priestess whispered。
   Wilara's unfinished question was answered a moment later as the spider crashed headlong into the House Baenre soldiers。 Plucking one of them from the ground with its mandibles; it scissored the soldier in half。 Then; letting the pieces fall to either side; it continued to race forward; smashing its way through mushrooms and drow alike。
   〃Lolth help us;〃 Nauzhror said in a strangled voice。 〃They've managed to get control of one of the constructs。〃
   As the jade spider advanced; the drow fell back in confusion。 One or two prostrated themselves before it…only to receive the same treatment as the first soldier。
   The spider continued its relentless advance; and soon several drow lay in bloody heaps behind it。 Within moments; the spider had carved a gap through both the mushroom forest and the troops…a gap the tanarukks were quick to exploit。
   〃Attack; curse you!〃 Triel cried as the enemy surged forward。
   The drow soldiers were too far away to have heard her; but thankfully one of their officers…probably Andzrel; judging by the black armor and cloak…rallied them。 They fell upon the tanarukks from either side and quickly closed the gap the spider had opened。 But even as the enemy was driven back once more toward the cavern wall; the jade spider continued to advance。 Leaving the struggling foes and the mushroom forest behind; it scaled the slope that led from Qu'ellarz'orl up to the House Baenre pound。 It moved swiftly and in a few moments more was at the barrier。
   It hesitated just outside the high fence that enclosed the pound as if contemplating the magic that flowed through the barrier's glowing silver strands; then it turned toward one of the stalagmites to which the fence was attached。 As the House guard on the balconies above watched in confusion; the construct scaled the stone as easily as a living spider; climbing to a point just above the fence。 It leaped down over the barrier; then began moving toward the center of the pound。
   Triel's eyes narrowed as she saw where it was headed。 The jade spider was making its way to House Baenre's central structure…the great domed temple of Lolth。
   Wilara gasped as she; too; calculated the spider's course。
   〃They dare attack our temple?〃 the priestess cried。
   Nauzhror; with a sidelong look at Triel; exploded with appropriate rage。
   〃The insolence!〃 the interim archmage fumed。 〃May Lolth's webs strangle them!〃
   His familiar…a fist…sized; hairy brown spider…scuttled from one of his shoulders to the other; disturbed by the mage's violent motion。
   Triel pursed her lips; saying nothing。 The temple might be the target; but an attack on it was not the enemy's chief aim。 There was little a single jade spider…or even a dozen of them for that matter…could do to harm the building itself。 Triel was sure that the incursion was intended to be a demonstration; made where all could see it; that Lolth had turned her face away from her chosen people。 The spider would have to be stopped…but anyone doing so outside the doors of a building consecrated to Lolth would incur the goddess's wrath。
   In ordinary times; at least。
   Triel longed to cry out to Lolth; to plead for the goddess to tell her what to do; but she knew what the answer would be: silence。 The Matron Mother of the First House was on her own…and if the jade spider wasn't stopped; Menzoberranzan's weakness would be plain for all to see。 The males of House Baenre; fighting so valiantly to force the enemy back into the tunnels; might falter。 If they became convinced that Triel and the other ranking females had lost Lolth's favor for some fault of their own or that the goddess had turned away from all drow forever; they might even turn against their matron mothers。
   That could not be。
   〃The enemy knows our weakness;〃 Triel said in a tense voice。 〃They must believe that Lolth has fallen silent forever and hope to make it plain for all to see。〃
   Beside her; Wilara stiffened。 Then amazingly; she contradicted her matron mother。
   〃No;〃 the priestess said; shaking her head and causing the long braid that hung down her back to ripple like a snake。 〃The goddess will answer。 She must。〃
   The vipers in Triel's whip hissed their annoyance; but Triel ignored them。 Under the circumstances; she could allow Wilara's outspokenness。
   〃Lolth may awaken yet;〃 she said; speaking as much to steady herself as for the lesser priestess's benefit。 〃My sister Quenthel has not yet given up; so neither should we。 But in the meant

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