war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第92章
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To Ryld's surprise; a fair number of the creatures assembling there hailed from outside the Braeryn。 He observed plain but relatively clean and intact garments suggestive of Eastmyr; and even liveries; steel collars; shackles; whip marks; and brands…the stigmata of thralls who'd sneaked away from their mistresses' affluent households。 Obviously; those who'd e from beyond the district couldn't have heard the drum through the magical buffers。 Some runner must have carried word to them。
Still magically disguised as ores; though not the same ones who'd tricked the two bugbears; the masters of Tier Breche had squeezed into a corner to watch whatever would transpire。
Certain no one would hear him over the ambient din; Ryld leaned his head close to Pharaun's and said; 〃I think it's just a party。〃
〃Do you see them celebrating?〃 Pharaun replied。 His new porcine face had a broken nose and tusk。 〃No; not as such。 They'd be considerably more boisterous。 They're waiting for something; and eagerly; too。 Observe those female goblins chattering and passing their bottle back and forth。〃 Pharaun nodded toward a trio of filthy; bandy…legged creatures with flat faces and sloping brows。 〃They're aquiver with anticipation。 If they're still as giddy after the gathering breaks up; we may want to seek solace for our frustrations in their hairy; misshapen arms。〃
Certain his friend was joking; Ryld snorted 。 。 。 then realized he wasn't quite sure after all。
〃You'd have relations with a goblin!〃
〃A true scholar always seeks new experiences。 Besides; what's the point of being a dark elf; a lord of the Underdark; if you don't exploit the slave races to the utmost?〃
〃Hmm。 I admit they might be no worse than one of those priestesses who demand you grovel and do exactly as you're…〃
The drum had stopped。
〃Something's happening;〃 Pharaun added。
Ryld saw that his friend was correct。 A stir ran through the crowd and they started to shout; 〃Prophet! Prophet! Prophet!〃
The master of Melee…Magthere didn't know what he expected to see next; but it certainly wasn't the figure in the nondescript cloak and hood whose upper body appeared above the heads of the crowd。 Perhaps he'd climbed up on a bench or table; or maybe he'd simply levitated; for this 〃Prophet;〃 plainly beloved of the lower orders; appeared to be a handsome drow male。
The Prophet let his followers chant and shout for a minute or so; then he raised his slender hands and gradually they subsided。 Pharaun leaned close to Ryld again。
〃It's possible the fellow's not really one of us;〃 the wizard said。 〃He's wrapped in a glamour somewhat like ours; but his spell makes every obnotserver perceive him in a favorable light。 I imagine the goblins see him as a goblin; the gnolls; as one of their own; and so forth。〃
〃What's inside the illusion?〃
〃I don't know。 The enchantment is peculiar。 I've never encountered anynotthing quite like it。 I can't see through it; but I suspect we're about to learn his intentions。〃
〃My brothers and sisters;〃 the Prophet said。
His voice sparked another round of cheering; and he waited for it to run its course。
〃My brothers and sisters;〃 he repeated。 〃Since the founding of this city; the Menzoberranyr have held our peoples in bondage or in conditions equally degraded。 They work us until we die of exhaustion。 They torture and kill us on a whim。 They condemn us to starve; sicken; and live in squalor。〃
The audience growled its agreement。
〃You witness our misery everywhere you look;〃 the hooded orator connottinued。 〃Yesterday; I walked through Manyfolk。 I saw a hobgoblin girl…child; surely no older than fi