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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第88章

小说: war of the spider queen 1 dissolution 字数: 每页3000字

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 I could find out。〃 She beamed at Pharaun。 〃I'd be happy to try。 I fulfilled the letter of our bargain; but I do realize I haven't provided you with all that much in exchange for the priceless gift you gave me。〃
〃That remark touches on the question of your future;〃 the wizard said。 〃You'd have no difficulty reestablishing your dominion here in the Stench…streets; but why live so meanly? I could use an aide of your caliber。 Or; if you prefer; I can arrange your safe repatriation to the World Above。〃
As he spoke; he surreptitiously contorted the fingers of his left hand; exnotpressing himself in the silent language of the dark elves; a system of gesnottures as efficient and prehensive as the spoken word。
〃I think…〃 Smylla began; then her eyes opened wide。
She whimpered。 Ryld pulled his short sword out of her back; and she collapsed。 Pharaun skipped back to keep her from toppling against him。
〃Despite her previous experiences;〃 the lanky wizard said; 〃she couldn't quite leave off trusting drow。 I suppose it shows you can take the human out of the sunshine; but not the sunshine out of the human。〃 He shook his head。 〃This is the second female I've slain or murdered by proxy in the brief time since our adventure began; and I didn't particularly want to kill either one of them。 Do you suspect an underlying metaphysical significance?〃
〃How would I know? I take it you bade me kill the snitch because she was feeding us lies。〃
〃Oh; no。 I'm convinced she was telling the truth。 The problem was that I deceived her。 Her metamorphosis didn't really purge her disease。 It was a bit tricky just suppressing it for a few minutes。〃
Pharaun stepped back again to keep the spreading pool of blood from staining his boots; and Ryld cleaned the short sword on the dead human's bedding。
〃You didn't want to leave her alive and angry to carry tales to Grey…anna;〃 the weapons master said。
〃It's unlikely they would have found one another; but why take the chance?〃
〃And you asked Smylla about the marks on the walls。 You're just too cursed curious to let the subject go。〃
Pharaun grinned。 〃Don't be silly。 I'm the very model of single…minded determination; and I was asking to further our mission。〃
Ryld glanced at the door and the iron bar。 They were still holding。
〃What does the strange behavior of goblins have to do with the rogue males?〃 he asked。
〃I don't know yet;〃 Pharaun answered; 〃but we have two oddities ocnotcurring at the same time and in the same precinct。 Doesn't it make sense to infer a relationship?〃
〃Not necessarily。 Menzoberranzan has scores of plots and conspiracies going on at any given time。 They aren't all connected。〃
〃Granted。 However; if these two situations are linked; then by inquirnoting into one; we likewise probe the other。 You and I have experienced a denotpressing lack of success picking up the trail of our runaways。 Therefore; we'll investigate the lower orders and see where that path takes us。〃
〃How will we do that?〃
〃Follow the drum; of course。〃
The door banged。
〃First;〃 said Ryld; 〃we have to get out of here。〃
〃Easily managed。 I'll remove the locking talisman from the door; then use illusion to make us blend with the walls。 In a minute or two; the resinotdents will break the door down。 When they're busy abusing Smylla's corpse and ransacking her possessions; we'll put on goblin faces and slip out in the confusion。〃

C h a p t e r

Quenthel's patrol had stalked the shadowy; candlelit passages of Arach…Tinilith for hours; until spaces she knew intimately began to seem strange and subtly unreal; and her subordinates' 

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