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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第79章

小说: war of the spider queen 1 dissolution 字数: 每页3000字

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He clapped the goblin on the shoulder; then exited the stand。
At some point; Ryld had wandered up to observe the lesson。
〃What was the point of that?〃 the warrior asked。
〃I was performing a public service;〃 answered the wizard; 〃preserving the Braeryn from a plague of dyspepsia。〃
Pharaun fell in beside his friend; and the two dark elves walked on。
〃You were amusing yourself; and it was idiotic。 You take the trouble to disguise us; then risk revealing your true identity by playing the gourmet。〃
〃I doubt one small lapse will prove our undoing。 It's unlikely that any of our ill…wishers will interview that particular street vendor any time soon or ask the right questions if they do。 Remember; we're well disguised。 Who would imagine this lurching; misshapen creature could possibly be my handsome; elegant self? Though I must admit; your metamorphosis wasn't quite so much of a stretch。〃
Ryld scowled; then wolfed down his last bite of sausage and bread。
〃Why didn't you disguise us from the moment we left Tier Breche?〃 he asked。 〃Never mind; I think I know。 A fencer doesn't reveal all his capanotbilities in the initial moments of the bout。〃
〃Something like that。 Greyanna and her minions have seen us looking like ourselves; so if we're lucky they won't expect to find us appearing radnotically different。 The trick won't befuddle them forever; but perhaps long enough for us to plete our business and return to our sedate; cloisnottered lives。〃
〃Does that mean you've figured out something else?〃
〃Not as such; but you know I'm prone to sudden bursts of inspiration。〃
The masters entered a crowded section of street outside of what was evnotidently a popular tavern; with a howling; barking gnoll song shaking the calcite walls。 Pharaun had never had occasion to walk incognito among the lower orders。 It felt odd weaving; pausing; and twisting to avoid bumps and jostles。 Had they known his true identity; his fellow pedestrinotans would have scurried out of his way。
As the two drow reached the periphery of the crowd; Ryld pivoted and struck a short straight blow with his fist。 A hunchbacked; piebald creanotture…the product of a mating of goblin and ore perhaps…stumbled backnotward and fell on his rump。
〃Cutpurse;〃 the warrior explained。 〃I hate this place。〃
〃No pangs of nostalgia?〃
Ryld glowered。 〃That isn't funny。〃
〃No? Then I beg your pardon;〃 Pharaun said with a smirk。 〃I wonder why this precinct always seems so sordid; even on those rare occasions when one finds oneself alone in a plaza or boulevard。 Well; the smell; of course。 We don't call them the Stench streets for nothing; but the buildnotings; though generally more modest than those encountered elsewhere in the city; still wear the same graceful shapes our ancestors cut from the living rock。〃
The teachers paused to let a spider with legs as long as broadswords scuttle across the street。 The Braeryn notoriously harbored hordes of the sacred creatures。 Sacred or not; Pharaun reviewed his mental list of ready spells; but the arachnid ignored the disguised dark elves
〃That's a foolish question;〃 said Ryld。 〃Why does the Braeryn seem foul? The inhabitants!〃
〃Ah; but did the living refuse of our society generate the atmosphere of the district; or did that malignant spirit exist from the beginning and lure the wretched to its domain?〃
〃I'm no metaphysician;〃 said Ryld。 〃All I know is that somebody should clear the scavengers out of here。〃
Pharaun chuckled。 〃What if said clearing had occurred when you were a tyke?〃
〃I don't mean exterminate them…except for the hopeless cases…but why just let them squat here in thei

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