war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第187章
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The only problem was that the phantom illithid head was still blocking Pharaun's view。 He simultaneously wove a spell and bobbed lower until he saw Syrzan。
On the final word of the incantation; white fire erupted from the alhoon's desiccated flesh 。 。 。 fire that died a second later。 The magic should have transformed the undead wizard into an inanimate corpse; but the only effect had been to singe its shabby robe a little。 Pharaun reflected that despite several attempts; he had yet to injure or even jostle his adversary。 If the dark elf hadn't known better; he might have wondered if Syrzan was not in fact the better arcanist。
Much as the Mizzrym disliked hand…to…hand bat; perhaps a change of tactics was in order。 He snatched a delicate little bone; dissected from a petty demon he'd killed in a classroom demonstration; and started to conjure。
Syrzan swung its arm and hurled a dozen flaming arrows。 They missed; bumped off course by their target's protective enchantments。 Pharaun pleted his incantation and so inflicted a hundred stabbing pains upon himself。
His body grew as large as an ogre's; and his hide thickened into scaly armor。 His teeth lengthened into tusks; and his nails into talons; while long; curved horns erupted from his brow。 A hairless tail sprouted from the base of his spine; and a whip appeared in his hand。
The transformation only took a moment; and the disfort was gone。 With a beat of his leathery new wings; Pharaun hurled himself at his foe。
The wizard raised his monstrous arms high and bellowed an incantanottion。 Pharaun felt a surge of churning vertigo。 The scene before him seemed to spin and twist; and despite himself; he veered off course。 He smashed down on the dais; and time skipped。 When he came to his senses; he'd reverted to his natural form and felt as weak and sick as Smylla Nathos。
The lich was staring down at him。
〃What an idiot you were to return;〃 Syrzan said。 〃You knew you were no match for me。〃
Pharaun realized he could hear again; albeit through a jangling in his ears。 He wouldn't die deaf; for whatever that was worth。
〃Stop preening;〃 said the Master of Sorcere。 〃You look ridiculous。 This isn't your pathetic dream world。 This is reality; where I'm a prince of a great city and you're just a sort of mollusk; and a dead; putrid one at that。〃
As he taunted the creature; he groped for the strength to cast a final spell。 No doubt the attack would fail like all the others。
So why; he thought; bother to attack? Try something else instead。 Shaknoting with effort; he cast a spell off the side of the platform。 Blue scintilla of power glittered briefly in the air。
〃You call me pathetic?〃 Syrzan sneered。 〃What was that supposed to be?〃
If you were wearing the ring you stole; Pharaun thought; you'd know; but I doubt it would fit on your bloated fingers。
The alhoon hoisted him off the ground; then wrapped dry; flaking tennottacles around his head。
You re still going to serve me; Syrzan said directly into the mage's mind; holding up one gnarled finger to reveal the silver ring。 When I devour your brain; I'll learn all your secrets。
〃Perhaps the infusion would even cure your stupidity;〃 Pharaun wheezed; 〃but I fear we'll never know。 Look around。〃
The lich turned; and he felt it jerk with surprise。
The lens of illusion he'd formed in front of the dais made Syrzan look exactly like a certain witty Master of Sorcere; and Pharaun himself renotsemble yet another humble ore。 Once the Mizzrym created it; he'd willed the hand of ice to release the illithid's head; and there came the construct; swooping straight at its originator。
Syrzan t