war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第173章
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The sisters of the temple gaped at him。
〃You know?〃 Quenthel asked。
〃A good many males know;〃 the mage replied; just a hint of impatience peeking through; 〃so there's no point in killing me for it。 I'll explain it all later。〃 He turned back toward the rest of the clerics。 〃Holy Mothers and Sisters; while you may have lost your spells; you have scrolls; talismans; and the rest of the divine implements your order hoards。 You can swing maces; if it es to that。 You can fight。〃
〃But we've lost too many sisters;〃 Viconia said to Quenthel。 〃The demons killed a couple; and you; Mistress; by summoning the spiders; slew more。 We don't dare risk the rest。 Someone must endure to preserve the lore and perform the rituals。〃
〃That's far too optimistic;〃 Pharaun said。
Viconia scowled。 〃What is; boy?〃
〃The assumption that; should you remain up here; annihilation will pass you by;〃 the wizard replied。 〃It's more plausible to assume that if the ores triumph below; they'll climb the stairs to continue their depredations up here。 You profess devotion to Arach…Tinilith。 Surely it would be more reverent to engage the undercreatures in the vault below and thus deny them the slightest opportunity to profane your shrines and altars。 Siminotlarly; it would be better strategy to fight alongside allies than to wait till they perish and you're left to struggle alone。〃
〃You're glib; wizard;〃 the Agrach Dyrr priestess sneered; 〃but you don't know our efforts are needed。 Flame and glare; they're only goblins! I think you're just a scareling。〃
〃Perhaps he is;〃 Quenthel said; 〃but how dare we seek the Dark Mother's favor if we decline to defend her chosen city in its hour of need? Surely; then; we never would hear her voice again。〃
〃Mistress;〃 said Viconia; spreading her hands; 〃I know we can find a better way to please her than brawling with vermin in the street。〃
Quenthel lifted her hand crossbow and shot her lieutenant in the face。 Viconia made a choking sound and stumbled backward。 The poison was already blackening her face as she collapsed。
〃I thought I'd already demonstrated that / rule here;〃 the Baenre said。 〃Does anyone else wish to contest my orders?〃
〃If so;〃 Pharaun said; 〃she should be aware that I stand with the misnottress; and I have the power to scour the lot of you from the face of the plateau。〃
Ignoring the boastful wizard; Quenthel surveyed her minions。 It apnotpeared that no one else had anything much to say。
〃Good;〃 the Baenre said。 〃Let us rouse the tower and the pyramid。〃
C h a p t e r
T H |R E E
With Quenthel in the lead; the Academy descended from Tier Breche like a great waterfall。 Some scholars tramped after her on the staircase; while others floated down the cliff face。 A few; possessed of magic that enabled them to fly; flitted about like bats。
〃Perhaps Mistress would care to bide a moment;〃 said Pharaun。 At some point he had slipped off to his personal quarters long enough to wash his face; b his hair; and throw on a new set of handsome clothes。 He returned alone; still claiming ignorance of Gromph's whereabouts。 〃This is as good a spot as any to spy out the lay of the land。 We're below some of the smoke but still high enough for an aerial inspection。〃
Since Gromph was still either unavailable or uninterested; the Mizzrym was…with obvious relish…acting in the Archmage s stead。 It was arguably an affront to House Baenre as much as the archmage; but Quenthel had given the order anyway。 Until her brother returned or the crisis abated; she needed someone to speak for Sorcere; and she was sure it would upset Gromph in an amus