war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第17章
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er from the cradle onward。 Of course; in the noble Houses of Menzoberranzan; rivalry benottween sisters was expected and encouraged。 Certainly Miz'ri encouraged it; perhaps simply for her own amusement。 But for some reason…perhaps it had something to do with the fact that outwardly; they were identical… her daughters' enmity far transcended even her expectations。 It was more bitter and more personal。 Each yearned to injure and thwart the other for its own sake at least as much as to improve her own relative standing in the family。
All but choking on their loathing of one another; they fought a duel that lasted decades and enpassed every facet of their existence; and gradunotally; on every battlefield; Greyanna began to prevail。 She sabotaged many of Sabal's plans to enhance the fortunes of House Mizzrym and found ways to take credit for those that succeeded。 By secretly tainting some of the sacred articles in this very shrine; she ensured that her twin's public ritnotuals would fail to produce even the feeblest sign that the Spider Queen found her worship acceptable。 She sowed doubt about Sabal's petence and loyalty in the ears of everyone who would listen。
Over time; Greyanna rose to bee her mother's most valued aide; while Sabal was seen as a dolt fit only for the simplest of tasks。 She was fornotbidden the use of her family's more powerful magical artifacts; lest she break them or turn them to some ill…conceived purpose。 From kin to slave warriors; any member of the household who might once have supported her aspirations shunned her as if she were diseased。 At that point; Greynotanna could have killed her easily; and she expected she'd get around to it eventually; but Sabal's misery was so satisfying that she put it off。
Put if off until Pharaun came home from Sorcere。
Before her little brother departed to Tier Breche; Greyanna had barely noticed him。 Of course; you didn't pay attention to young males unless you were unlucky enough to be put in charge of them。 They were the silent little shadows creeping about the house; cleaning; ever cleaning; straining to master their inherent magical abilities; and learning their subnotordinate place in the world; all under the impatient eyes…and whips…of their minders。 As far as she could remember; Pharaun had been as cowed and pathetic as the rest。
The Academy transformed him into something considerably more innotteresting; though; to say nothing of dangerous。 Perhaps it was mastering the formidable powers of wizardry; or maybe it was immersion in an ennotclave prised entirely of males; but somehow he emerged from his schooling polished; clever; and bold; possessed of a sharp wit and glib tongue that frequently danced him up to the brink of chastisement and safely back again。
Amazingly; he threw in with Sabal; who had all but abandoned hope of ever climbing higher than her current degraded estate。 To this day; Greyanna could only explain his decision by positing a perverse and unnatural bond between them; but whatever his reasons; with the help of Pharaun's ideas; advocacy; and magic; Sabal essayed new ventures; succeeded brilnotliantly; and began to scale the ladder of status once more。 She did so more quickly than Greyanna could have imagined; and the family came once more to regard the twins as peers; equal in merit and promise。 Accordingly; their private war resumed; even more vicious and murderous than before; but this time Sabal…say Pharaun; rather…proved a match for her。
Greyanna tried to break the stalemate by convincing Pharaun to change sides。 She expected it to work; for after all; she and Sabal looked exact