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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第154章

小说: war of the spider queen 1 dissolution 字数: 每页3000字

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 tentacles over the mage's skull。 Pharaun knew this was how mind flayers fed。 They wormed their members into whatever orifices were most convenient and yanked out their victim's brain。
He wondered what would happen when Syrzan subjected his dream self to such treatment。 Would his physical body perish; or would it survive as a living but mindless shell?
〃Didn't you like my story?〃 Pharaun gasped。 The lich's grip was squeeznoting the breath out of him。 〃You seemed quite engrossed。 That was why I dared to hope I could catch you by surprise。〃
〃You put your hands on me! I do not permit that!〃
The mellifluous voice of the Prophet was roughening into an ugly notbination of hisses and buzzes。 The tentacles squeezed tighter
〃Technically; these aren't my hands;〃 Pharaun said。 Goddess; it felt as if his skull was going to shatter! 〃Since this is all imaginary。〃
〃You will tell me how you knew which charm to grab。〃
〃My ring。 It allows me to see and interpret patterns of magical force。 No wizard should be without one。〃
〃You were a fool to try to thwart me here in my private world。 Don't you understand that inside this construct; I'm a。 god。〃
〃I'm dead regardless;〃 replied Pharaun; 〃and when a drow knows his life is forfeit; he bends his thoughts to revenge。〃
〃But you're mistaken。〃 Syrzan loosened the grip of the tentacles and said; 〃I'm not going to kill you。 That would be wasteful。 As you observed; my objective is to enslave all Menzoberranzan。 Certainly you; with all your talents; will make a useful thrall。 Had you not manhandled me; your bondage might have been relatively light; for I enjoy the society of other mages。 Now I'm afraid you aren't going to enjoy it in the slightest。〃
Pain ripped through Pharaun's head。 He screamed。

C h a p t e r 

〃Let me do it;〃 Houndaer growled。
His scimitar at the ready; he stalked toward Ryld。
The Master of Melee…Magthere tried and failed to rise。 As a student at the Academy and in all the years since; he'd studied techniques for trannotscending pain; but he'd never felt anything parable to the invisible blow the undead illithid had struck him。 It had been like a spear driving through his mind。
Syrzan emerged from its momentary trance and said; 〃No。〃 Houndaer turned。 〃No?〃 he asked。 〃You were right about them。 Obviously。〃 〃And I trust;〃 said the lich; its mouth tentacles wriggling; 〃that you'll renotmember whose judgment is superior。 Now that they're here; however; they might as well serve our cause as you hoped they would。 It's just a matter of reshaping their minds。〃
The bard lifted an eyebrow and asked; 〃Can you do that?〃 〃Yes;〃 said Syrzan; 〃but not instantaneously; and not now。 I need my strength to give the Call。〃
It pulled Pharaun's silver ring off the unconscious drow's finger。
〃Lock them up for the time being;〃 the alhoon ordered。
〃All right;〃 saidTsabrak。 〃I hope you're going to fix it so we can all connottrol them。〃
He too advanced on Ryld。
The weapons master struggled once again to rise。 Someone lashed him over the head with the flat of a blade; and all the strength spilled out of him like wine from an overturned cup。
The next few minutes were a blur。 Houndaer; Tsabrak; the bard; and annotother renegade carried their captives to a cell。 It had the same grime and air of desolation as much of the rest of the castle; but someone; exhibiting a proper dark elf's sense of priorities; had gone to the trouble to refurbish the locks and restraints。
The rogues divested Ryld of his cloak and armor; then chained him to the wall。 As he'd expected; th

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