war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第108章
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ew open。
The high priestess hopped back down to the floor。 〃How does it feel? I imagine your heart is hammering。〃
Drisinil trembled like the string of a viol。 Sweat seeped from her pores。
〃What did you do to me?〃
〃That should be obvious to an acplished poisoner like yourself。〃
〃You've poisoned me?〃
〃It's a slow toxin。 Do as I ordered; and I'll give you the antidote。〃
〃I can't cozen the others like this。 They'll see something's wrong with me。〃
〃The external signs should ease in a minute or two; though you'll still feel the poison speeding your heart and gnawing at your nerves。 You'll just have to put up with that。〃
〃All right;〃 Drisinil said。 〃Just bring the antidote with you when you e to Lirdnolu's room。〃
The mistress arched an eyebrow; and Drisinil added; 〃Please。〃
Quenthel smiled。 Catching her mood; the whip vipers sighed with pleasure。
〃How did you know your darkness would madden the beast?〃 asked Pharaun; lathering his narrow chest。
The night before; after he made way back to Pharaun; the two of them had found they had enough healing potions to cure all the wounds that either had sustained。 Still; despite their restoration to full vitality; the next few hours proved exhausting; as they struggled to survive the madness of the hunt and watch out for Greyanna at the same time。 At last they'd esnotcaped the Braeryn。
Claiming that while Greyanna was seeking them in the Stenchstreets; they'd be safe in pleasant; prosperous Narbondellyn; Pharaun had insisted that he and Ryld dispense with disguises and celebrate their sundry discovnoteries and escapes with a visit to one of Menzoberranzan's finest public baths。 The warrior had objected to what he saw as reckless bravado; but not too vehemently。 Ryld supposed that he and Pharaun would climb beyond their foes' reach soon enough。 The prospect made him feel rather wistful。
Over the course of the past few minutes; he'd been enjoying the luxury of scrubbing off the sweat and grime that had accumulated on his person; sitting down; and thinking about nothing in particular。 He should have known the peace and quiet couldn't last for long。 Pharaun couldn't go long without craving conversation。
〃How did you know that; shrouded in darkness or no; the foulwing wouldn't just keep descending; guided by its other senses?〃 the wizard persisted。
The warrior shrugged and said; 〃I didn't know; but it seemed like a good guess。 The thing's an animal; isn't it?〃
Pharaun grinned。 〃Not really。 It's a creature from another plane。 Still; your instincts were sound。〃
Ryld shrugged and replied; 〃I was lucky to get away from there with my life。 Very lucky。〃
〃Fire and glare; you're a master of Tier Breche。 You're not supposed to be modest。 Are you ready to move?〃
They rose from an octagonal pool set in the black marble floor; and; having pleted the quotidian business of cleaning themselves; headed for a larger basin where they would luxuriate in steaming; scented mineral water。 Later in the day; it would be packed; but it wasn't fashionable to visit the baths so early in the morning。 They had it to themselves; which was convenient。 They could converse without fear of eavesdroppers。
Ryld walked straight down the steps and sat on the underwater ledge。 The warmth felt good on his leg; mended but still a little sore; and he sighed with contentment。 Pharaun made a production of immersing himnotself in stages; an inch at a time; as if the heat were almost more than he could bear。
〃I've been thinking about your malaise;〃 the wizard said; once everynotthing but his head was finally submerged。 〃I have a solution。〃
〃What do you mean?〃