war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第104章
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it to me; and I'll let you go。〃
The other warrior smiled unpleasantly and said; 〃My rades will start arriving any second。 Surrender now; tell me where Pharaun is; and perhaps Princess Greyanna will let you live。〃
Ryld cut at the warrior's head。 The other male jumped back out of range; sidestepped; and slashed at the weapons master's arm。 Ryld parried; beat the scimitar aside; and the fight was on。
Over the course of the next few seconds; the Mizzrym warrior gave ground consistently。 Twice; he nearly stepped off the flat; round tabletop that was the apex of the tower but on both occasions spun himself away from the edge in time。 He was a good duelist; and he was fighting defennotsively while he waited for reinforcements to arrive。 That made him hard to hit。 Hard; but not impossible。
Pressing; Ryld feinted high on the inside to draw the parry; swung his greatsword down and around; and cut low on the outside。 Splitter sheared into the Mizzrym's torso just below the ribs; and he collapsed in a gush of blood。
Magic trilled and flickered through the air。 When Ryld spun around; the other twin and Relonor popped into being on the rooftop below。 Obnotviously; House Mizzrym's mage could teleport on his own; without the aid of the brooch Pharaun had pilfered。
His voluminous sleeves sliding down to his elbows; Relonor lifted his arms and started to cast a spell。 The newly arrived twin nocked an arrow and drew back the string of his pale bone bow。
Ryld threw himself down on his stomach。 He was ten feet above his adversaries; and he hoped that they couldn't see him。 Sure enough; no magic or arrow flew in his direction。 He scuttled across the platform…enchantments in his armor deadening the sound of his footfalls…and grabbed his previous opponent's bow and quiver; then scrambled to his knees。
The twin and the wizard rose above the platform; the former levitating; the latter soaring in an arc that revealed some magical capacity for actual flight。 The archer loosed an arrow; and mystical energy flashed from Relonor's fingertips。
The Mizzrym's magic reached its target first。 A ghastly shriek stabbed through Ryld's ears and into his brain。 He cried out and flailed in agony。 The warrior's arrow plunged into his thigh; and the razor…edged point burst from the other side。
After a moment; the screaming stopped。 Ryld could feel that it had hurt him; perhaps worse than the arrow had; but had no time or inclination to fret about it。 Quickly as few folk save a master of Melee…Magthere could manage; he loosed two shafts of his own。
The first took Relonor in the chest; and the second stabbed into the warrior's belly。 They both dropped down out of sight。
Ryld looked at the twin with the sword cut in his flank。 The male appeared to be unconscious; which would facilitate searching him。 Ryld hobbled over to him to rifle his pockets and the leather satchel he wore on his belt。
Blessedly; he found four silver vials; each marked with the rune for healnoting。 Greyanna had indeed outfitted her agents properly for a martial exnotpedition。 It was the twin's misfortune that he hadn't had time to drink of her bounty before going into shock。
His brother and Relonor no doubt carried healing draughts as well; and Ryld had no guarantee that they'd be unable to use them。 They might e after him again any second; and he'd just as soon avoid a second round。 He needed to beat a hasty…
Enormous wings beat the air。 A long…necked; legless beast passed overnothead with Greyanna and the other priestess; the skinny one; astride its back。 Glaring down at Ryld; Pharaun's sister pulled at the laces secur